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Federal News Releases Search Results

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Keywords: Any
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Release Month: Any
Release Year: Any
Topic: Women
Agency: Any

43 News Releases match your search

  1. tatement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. (Release Date: 03/10/2008)

  2. A Brief Skill-Building Program Can Reduce STD or HIV Risk among Inner-City African American Women (Release Date: 06/26/2007)

  3. Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases on National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day March 10, 2007 (Release Date: 03/05/2007)

  4. Scientists Sequence Genome of Parasite Responsible for Common Sexually Transmitted Infection (Release Date: 01/11/2007)


  6. Thai Study Shows That Inexpensive Treatment Reduces Risk of Mother to Child HIV Transmission (Release Date: 07/16/2004)

  7. Multivitamins During Pregnancy and After Birth Delay Progression of HIV In Women (Release Date: 06/30/2004)

  8. Prenatal HIV Testing and Antiretroviral Prophylaxis at an Urban Hospital --- Atlanta, Georgia, 1997--2000 (Release Date: 01/02/2004)

  9. FDA Proposes New Warning for Over-The-Counter Contraceptive Drugs Containing Nonoxynol-9 (Release Date: 01/16/2003)

  10. Major Herpes Vaccine Trial Launched in Women (Release Date: 11/20/2002)

  11. HIV Testing Among Pregnant Women --- United States and Canada, 1998--2001 (Release Date: 11/15/2002)

  12. Study Offers New Insights Into Overcoming Disparities in Health (Release Date: 07/22/2002)

  13. Mother and Child HIV Prevention Initiative (Release Date: 06/19/2002)

  14. Study Concludes Benefits of Anti-HIV Therapy During Pregnancy Outweigh Risks (Release Date: 06/12/2002)

  15. NICHD Funds New Sites To Follow Disease Progression In HIV-Infected Women (Release Date: 07/27/2001)

  16. Study Sheds Light on Role of Gender Differences in the Risk of HIV Infection Among Injection Drug Users: High-risk sexual activity plays key role (Release Date: 05/27/2001)

  17. HIV Infection in Women (Release Date: 05/01/2001)

  18. Study Confirms Gender Differences in Progression from HIV to AIDS: Despite Differences in "Viral Load," Men and Women Develop AIDS at the Same Rate (Release Date: 03/07/2001)

  19. Mother-to-Infant HIV Transmission Rate Less Than 2% in Phase III Perinatal Trial (Release Date: 02/08/2001)

  20. FDA/Bristol Myers Squibb Issues Caution for HIV Combination Therapy with Zerit and Videx in Pregnant Women (Release Date: 01/05/2001)

  21. NIAID Topical Microbicide Research Developing New Tools to Protect Women from HIV/AIDS and Other STDs (Release Date: 03/01/2000)

  22. Mother-to-Infant HIV Transmission - Quick Facts (Release Date: 09/16/1999)

  23. Study Finds HIV Breastfeeding Risk Highest in Early Months After Birth (Release Date: 08/24/1999)

  24. Different Treatment Strategy May be Required for HIV+ Women Who Have Used Injection Drugs (Release Date: 11/06/1998)

  25. Results of Simplified Screening for Chlamydia in Female Military Recruits Suggest Testing for All Sexually Active Young Women (Release Date: 08/09/1998)

  26. New Laboratory Findings May Help Explain Immunity to HIV in Thai Female Prostitutes (Release Date: 07/02/1998)

  27. FDA Proposes Rule on Women in Clinical Trials (Release Date: 09/23/1997)

  28. HIV/AIDS and Women in the United States (Release Date: 05/01/1997)

  29. NIAID Evaluates N-9 Film as Microbicide (Release Date: 04/03/1997)

  30. Pregnancy Hormone May Help Fight HIV (Release Date: 04/02/1997)

  31. NIAID Resources for Studying HIV/AIDS in Women (Release Date: 04/01/1997)

  32. HIV/AIDS and Women who have Sex with Women (WSW) in the United States (Release Date: 04/01/1997)

  33. Increased Risk of Cervical Abnormalities Among HIV-Infected African Women (Release Date: 06/01/1996)

  34. AHCPR-Funded Study Finds Progression of HIV Disease Not Related to Race, Sex, or Drug Use (Release Date: 09/20/1995)

  35. Public Health Service Recommendations for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Counseling and Voluntary Testing for Pregnant Women (Release Date: 07/07/1995)

  36. NIAID Expands Research on Topical Microbicides to Prevent STDs in Women (Release Date: 04/27/1995)

  37. Questions and Answers for Publication of 'Recommendations of the U.S. Public Health Service Task Force on the Use of Zidovudine to Reduce Perinatal Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus' (Release Date: 08/05/1994)

  38. Women in Clinical Trials (Release Date: 12/01/1993)

  39. Women's Interagency HIV Study Begins. (Release Date: 06/28/1993)

  40. Women and HIV, IX International Conference on AIDS Highlights (Release Date: 06/01/1993)

  41. First Clinical Trials of AIDS Vaccine in HIV-Infected Pregnant Women (Release Date: 05/06/1993)

  42. FDA Plans Policy Change on Women in Clinical Trials (Release Date: 04/05/1993)

  43. 16 Vanguard Centers Selected To Launch Landmark Women's Health Research Studies (Release Date: 03/30/1993)