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Federal News Releases Search Results

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Topic: Drugs and Treatment
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216 News Releases match your search

  1. NIDA Announces Recipients of New Avant-Garde Award for Innovative HIV/AIDS Research (Release Date: 09/05/2008)

  2. Anti-HIV `Drug Cocktails¿ Equally Effective in Patients with or without History of Injection Drug Use (Release Date: 08/06/2008)


  4. NIAID Scientists Identify New Cellular Receptor for HIV (Release Date: 02/10/2008)

  5. FDA Approves New HIV Drug After Priority Review (Release Date: 01/18/2008)

  6. FDA Approves the First Integrase Inhibitor, Raltegravir - October 12, 2007 (Release Date: 10/12/2007)

  7. Immunizations Are Discontinued (Release Date: 09/21/2007)

  8. HIV Protease Inhibitors Show Potential as Cancer Treatments (Release Date: 09/01/2007)

  9. Approval of maraviroc (Release Date: 08/06/2007)

  10. Treating HIV-Infected Infants Early Helps Them Live Longer (Release Date: 07/25/2007)

  11. First Genome-Wide Study of Infectious Disease Opens New Avenues for HIV Treatment, Vaccines (Release Date: 07/19/2007)

  12. FDA approval of Lexiva oral suspension and label changes for pediatric patients and patients with hepatic impairment (Release Date: 06/18/2007)

  13. Important Notice about Combivir and Ziagen (Release Date: 04/10/2007)

  14. HIV Treatment May Help Reduce Severity of Mental Impairment in Children with HIV Infection (Release Date: 03/07/2007)


  16. International HIV/AIDS Trial Finds that Risks of Death, AIDS and Other Major Diseases Increase on Episodic Antiretroviral Therapy (Release Date: 11/29/2006)

  17. Atazanavir Labeling Changes (Release Date: 11/27/2006)

  18. Upcoming Advisory Committee Meeting (Release Date: 09/22/2006)

  19. Tentative approval of lamivudine/zidovudine copackaged with abacavir sulfate (Release Date: 07/26/2006)

  20. FDA Approves the First Once-a-Day Three-Drug Combination Tablet for Treatment of HIV-1 (Release Date: 07/12/2006)

  21. FDA Grants Tentative Approval of a Three-Component AIDS Drug (Release Date: 06/30/2006)

  22. Important safety information about Aptivus ( tipranavir) (Release Date: 06/30/2006)

  23. FDA Approves New HIV Treatment for Patients Who Do Not Respond to Existing Drugs (Release Date: 06/27/2006)

  24. FDA Gives Tentative Approval for Another First Time Generic Pediatric AIDS Drug in Association with the President¿s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (Release Date: 06/27/2006)

  25. FDA Approval of Prezista (Release Date: 06/26/2006)

  26. New Guidance on Antiviral Product Development (Release Date: 06/09/2006)

  27. Product Approval Information - Licensing Action: GARDASIL® Questions and Answers (Release Date: 06/08/2006)

  28. FDA/Forum for Collaborative HIV Research Collaborative Meeting on Long-Term Safety Concerns Associated with CCR5 Antagonist Development (Release Date: 05/31/2006)

  29. Generic zidovudine in Capsule Form (Release Date: 03/31/2006)

  30. Traditional Approval of Viread and Truvada (Release Date: 03/08/2006)

  31. Reports of false positive oral rapid test results (Release Date: 12/16/2005)

  32. FDA approval of new formulation of Kaletra (Release Date: 10/28/2005)

  33. Emtriva: New Formulation and Labeling Changes (Release Date: 09/29/2005)

  34. FDA Approves First Pediatric Generic AIDS Drug for U.S. Marketing (Release Date: 09/19/2005)

  35. Tentative Approval Generic Zidovudine Oral Solution (Release Date: 09/07/2005)

  36. HIV Therapy Greatly Extends Life of Key T Cells, Scientists Find (Release Date: 07/15/2005)

  37. FDA Approves Sculptra for HIV Patients (Release Date: 08/03/2004)

  38. FDA Approves Two Fixed-Dose Combination Drug Products For the Treatment of HIV-1 Infection (Release Date: 08/02/2004)

  39. Weekly Cycles of Once-Daily Anti-Drugs Could Reduce Cost of HIV Treatment (Release Date: 05/24/2004)

  40. HHS Proposes Rapid Process For Review of Fixed Dose Combination and Co-Packaged Products (Release Date: 05/16/2004)

  41. Guidance for Industry: Fixed Dose Combination and Co-Packaged Drug Products for Treatment of HIV (Release Date: 05/01/2004)

  42. HIV Patients Get Long-Term Boost with Short, Intermittent Drug Regimen (Release Date: 04/26/2004)

  43. Joint Statement Issued Regarding Principles For Fixed-Dose Combination Drug Products (Release Date: 04/08/2004)

  44. FDA Issues Draft Guidance on Providing More Information on Investigational Treatment (Release Date: 01/27/2004)

  45. Drug errors involving Keppra and Kaletra (Release Date: 01/12/2004)

  46. Combination, Order of Anti-HIV Drugs Make a Difference in First-time Recipients (Release Date: 12/10/2003)

  47. FDA Approves LEXIVA (Fosamprenavir calcium) to Treat HIV Infection (Release Date: 10/21/2003)

  48. Drug Warning: Once-daily Triple NRTI Regimen containing Didanosine, Lamivudine, and Tenofovir (Release Date: 10/14/2003)

  49. Treatment of HIV Infection (Release Date: 10/01/2003)

  50. Nevirapine Sustains Advantage Over AZT During Breastfeeding Period (Release Date: 09/11/2003)

  51. Treatment Interruption Shows No Benefit in Drug-Resistant HIV Infection (Release Date: 08/27/2003)

  52. Important New Pharmacokinetic Data for REYATAZ(tm) (atazanavir sulfate) in combination with Viread® (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) (Release Date: 08/08/2003)

  53. FDA Approves a Once Daily Protease Inhibitor for HIV Infection (Release Date: 06/20/2003)

  54. Discovery Lays Groundwork for Potential New Class of Anti-HIV Drugs (Release Date: 03/31/2003)

  55. Important Interim Results from a Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind Comparison of Three Protease-Inhibitor-Sparing Regimens for the Initial Treatment of HIV Infection (AACTG Protocol A5095) (Release Date: 03/13/2003)

  56. FDA Approves First Drug in New Class of HIV Treatments (Release Date: 03/13/2003)

  57. FDA Proposes New Warning for Over-The-Counter Contraceptive Drugs Containing Nonoxynol-9 (Release Date: 01/16/2003)

  58. Food and Drug Administration approved a new, extended release formulation of ZERIT (Release Date: 12/31/2002)

  59. Public Health Dispatch: Update: Fatal and Severe Liver Injuries Associated with Rifampin and Pyrazinamide Treatment for Latent Tuberculosis Infection (Release Date: 11/08/2002)

  60. Study Sheds Light on Cause of an AIDS Treatment Side Effect (Release Date: 09/12/2002)

  61. Treatment of HIV Infection (Release Date: 01/01/2002)

  62. Garlic Supplements Can Impede HIV Medication (Release Date: 12/05/2001)

  63. New Finding May Help Doctors Prevent HIV Drug Resistance (Release Date: 11/22/2001)

  64. FDA Approves Viread for HIV-1 Infection (Release Date: 10/29/2001)

  65. Use of Antifungal Drug Fluconazole Effective in Preventing Thrush in Persons Who are HIV Positive (Release Date: 04/24/2001)

  66. FDA/Bristol Myers Squibb Issues Caution for HIV Combination Therapy with Zerit and Videx in Pregnant Women (Release Date: 01/05/2001)

  67. FDA Issues Safety Alert on Unapproved Goat Serum Treatment for HIV/AIDS (Release Date: 12/22/2000)

  68. FDA Approves Trizivir for HIV (Release Date: 11/15/2000)

  69. Interleukin-2 May Help Patients With Advanced HIV Disease, New Study Shows (Release Date: 10/25/2000)

  70. Shorter AZT Treatment Reduces Mother to Child HIV Transmission As Well As Longer Treatment But For Less Cost (Release Date: 10/04/2000)

  71. FDA Approves Kaletra for HIV Infection (Release Date: 09/15/2000)

  72. Inexpensive AIDS Drug Still Reduces HIV Transmission from Mother to Child After One Year (Release Date: 07/13/2000)


  74. NIH Clinical Center Study Demonstrates Dangerous Interaction Between St. John's Wort and an HIV Protease Inhibitor (Release Date: 02/10/2000)

  75. Anti-HIV Treatment Improves Immune System and Fights Sight-Threatening Eye Infection (Release Date: 11/02/1999)

  76. NIAID Study: Rapid Rebound of HIV and Reappearance of HIV Reservoirs in Patients Treated with IL-2 and Combination Antiretroviral Drugs Following Cessation of Therapy (Release Date: 10/27/1999)

  77. New Model Suggests That AIDS Drugs May Not Abolish HIV Infection (Release Date: 10/06/1999)

  78. Approval of Synercid for Certain Vancomycin Resistant Infections (Release Date: 09/21/1999)

  79. Researchers Identify a Simple, Affordable Drug Regimen That is Highly Effective in Preventing HIV Infection in Infants of Mothers with the Disease (Release Date: 07/14/1999)

  80. Attacking AIDS with a 'Cocktail' Therapy: Drug Combo Sends Deaths Plummeting (Release Date: 07/01/1999)

  81. FDA Approves Amprenavir for HIV Infection (Release Date: 04/16/1999)

  82. Protease Inhibitors May Increase Blood Glucose in HIV Patients (Release Date: 12/01/1998)

  83. Treatment With IL-2 Plus HAART Markedly Reduces HIV in Immune System 'Hiding Places' (Release Date: 11/15/1998)

  84. Study Finds Less Intensive Treatments may not Maintain HIV Suppression (Release Date: 10/28/1998)

  85. Study Shows Efavirenz Promising in Treating Pediatric HIV Infection: Leads to Approval of New Drug for Treating HIV-infected Children (Release Date: 09/28/1998)

  86. FDA Approves New Drug to Treat HIV, AIDS (Release Date: 09/18/1998)

  87. Antiviral Drug Sharply Reduces Return of Herpes of the Eye (Release Date: 07/29/1998)

  88. The Perils of Discontinuing Therapy: Without HAART, Cytokines Stimulate HIV From Latently Infected Cells (Release Date: 07/06/1998)

  89. Scientists Make Progress Toward Gene Therapy for HIV Infection (Release Date: 07/01/1998)

  90. Difficulties with HIV Treatment Adherence Raise Concerns About Drug Resistance (Release Date: 07/01/1998)

  91. Short Course of AZT Given Late in Pregnancy and During Delivery Contributes to Reducing Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission (Release Date: 06/29/1998)

  92. FDA Clears Tuberculosis Drug for Marketing (Release Date: 06/23/1998)

  93. Interleukin-12 Helps Control Mycobacterium Avium Infection (Release Date: 06/01/1998)

  94. Questions and Answers About Anti-Angiogenesis Research. (Release Date: 05/08/1998)

  95. Short-Course Regimen of AZT Proven Effective in Reducing Perinatal HIV Transmission: Offers Hope for Reducing Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission in Developing World (Release Date: 02/18/1998)

  96. HIV Persists and Can Replicate Despite Prolonged Combination Therapy (Release Date: 11/13/1997)

  97. FDA Approves New Formulation of First Protease Inhibitor Saquinavir (Release Date: 11/07/1997)

  98. FDA Approves First Combination Drug for AIDS (Release Date: 09/29/1997)

  99. Trojan Horse Virus Controls HIV Infection (Release Date: 09/04/1997)

  100. New Side Effects of Popular AIDS Drug Reported (Release Date: 07/14/1997)

  101. Two Drugs Better Than One for Treating Children with Symptomatic HIV (Release Date: 06/26/1997)

  102. Approved Therapies for HIV/AIDS or AIDS-related Conditions (Release Date: 06/17/1997)

  103. Study Of Low-dose Oral Alpha Interferon Closes (Release Date: 06/13/1997)

  104. Health Advisory For Newest Class Of Aids Drugs (Release Date: 06/11/1997)

  105. Diabetes and Hyperglycemia in Patients Receiving Protease Inhibitors (Release Date: 06/11/1997)

  106. CDC Studies of AZT to Prevent Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission in Developing Countries (Release Date: 06/01/1997)

  107. Limited Course Of Thalidomide Effective In Treating Aids-related Mouth Ulcers (Release Date: 05/21/1997)

  108. Combination Drug Therapy for AIDS Found to Control Blinding Eye Infection (Release Date: 05/20/1997)

  109. Grapefruit Juice Study May Aid Drug Safety (Release Date: 05/14/1997)

  110. Pregnancy Hormone May Help Fight HIV (Release Date: 04/02/1997)

  111. IL-2 Injections Safely Boost CD4+ T Cell Levels in HIV-Infected Patients (Release Date: 03/24/1997)

  112. FDA Approves First Protease Inhibitors With Labeling for Use in Children (Release Date: 03/14/1997)

  113. FDA Proposes New Use Initiative (Release Date: 03/13/1997)

  114. Study Confirms that Combination Treatment Using a Protease Inhibitor Can Delay HIV Disease Progression and Death (Release Date: 02/24/1997)

  115. ACTG 315 Preliminary Results: Drug Cocktail Restores Partial Immune Function (Release Date: 01/27/1997)

  116. Summary of the Meeting of a Panel to Review Studies of Transplacental Toxicity of AZT (Release Date: 01/14/1997)

  117. Important Information on the Combination of Zidovudine (ZDV) and Stavudine (d4T) in ZDV-experienced HIV-Infected Patients (Release Date: 11/22/1996)

  118. NIAID Statement (Release Date: 11/08/1996)

  119. IL-2 Therapy Doubles CD4+ T Cell Counts in HIV-Infected People (Release Date: 10/30/1996)

  120. Notice to Readers: Clinical Update: Impact of HIV Protease Inhibitors on the Treatment of HIV-Infected Tuberculosis Patients with Rifampin (Release Date: 10/25/1996)

  121. Drug Combo Safe for HIV-Infected Children (Release Date: 09/01/1996)

  122. Nevirapine Approved by FDA: First non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (Release Date: 09/01/1996)

  123. Interleukin-2 Continues to Show Promise as HIV Therapy (Release Date: 09/01/1996)

  124. FDA Approves Drug for AIDS Wasting (Release Date: 08/23/1996)

  125. Important Therapeutic Information on the Dosing of Clarithromycin for the Treatment of Disseminated Mycobacterium avium Complex (DMAC) Infection in HIV-Infected Patients (Release Date: 07/23/1996)

  126. Interleukin-2 Injections Produce Dramatic, Sustained Increases in CD4+ T Cell Counts in Patients with Early-Stage HIV Disease (Release Date: 07/10/1996)

  127. Fluconazole Prevents Yeast Infections in Women with HIV (Release Date: 07/10/1996)

  128. IL-2 Therapy: Encouraging Data on Quality of Life Reported for Immune-Boosting Drug (Release Date: 07/10/1996)

  129. NIAID Study Rules Out High-Dose Clarithromycin for AIDS-Related MAC (Release Date: 07/10/1996)

  130. NIAID Study Finds Initial Intermittent Treatment Effective for HIV-Related TB (Release Date: 07/09/1996)

  131. The Protease Inhibitors (Release Date: 07/01/1996)

  132. FDA Approves Cidofovir for AIDS-Related Retinitis (Release Date: 06/27/1996)

  133. FDA Approves Nevirapine to Treat HIV (Release Date: 06/24/1996)

  134. Expanded Access and Expedited Approval of New Therapies Related to HIV/AIDS (Release Date: 06/01/1996)

  135. Antiretrovirals Plus Immunomodulators: Didanosine/Interferon-alpha Combination Shows Promise (Release Date: 06/01/1996)

  136. Immune System Activation Boosts HIV Replication in HIV-Infected People (Release Date: 05/08/1996)

  137. An FDA Guide to Choosing Medical Treatments (Release Date: 05/01/1996)

  138. AIDS Virus Reformatted to Shuttle Repair Genes to Diseased Brains (Release Date: 04/11/1996)

  139. Low-Dose Oral Alpha Interferon Study Opens (Release Date: 04/01/1996)

  140. Gene Therapy Prolongs CD4+ T Cell Survival in HIV-Infected Individuals (Release Date: 04/01/1996)

  141. Two New Protease Inhibitors Approved By FDA: NIAID Research Was Pivotal to Development of New Class of Drugs (Release Date: 04/01/1996)

  142. FDA Grants Accelerated Approval To Third Protease Inhibitor To Treat HIV (Release Date: 03/14/1996)

  143. FDA Panel Recommends Approval of Third Protease Inhibitor (Release Date: 03/08/1996)

  144. FDA Approves Second Protease Inhibitor to Treat HIV (Release Date: 03/01/1996)

  145. Thalidomide Update (Release Date: 02/26/1996)

  146. Where Do HIV/AIDS Drugs Come From? (Release Date: 02/01/1996)

  147. Two-Drug Treatment is Effective Against Recurrent Eye Infection in AIDS Patients (Release Date: 01/11/1996)

  148. FDA Approves First Protease Inhibitor Drug for Treatment of HIV (Release Date: 12/07/1995)

  149. FDA Grants Accelerated Approval for 3TC with AZT to Treat AIDS (Release Date: 11/20/1995)

  150. Drug Completely Protects Monkeys Exposed to SIV (Release Date: 11/16/1995)

  151. FDA Panel Recommends Approval of New AIDS Drug (Release Date: 11/15/1995)

  152. FDA Panel Recommends Approval of 3TC with AZT to Treat AIDS (Release Date: 11/07/1995)

  153. Thalidomide Effective Treatment for AIDS-Related Mouth Ulcers (Release Date: 10/31/1995)

  154. Analyses of Peptide T Efficacy on Neuropsychological Performance in HIV Seropositive Individuals With Cognitive Impairment (Release Date: 10/24/1995)

  155. Interleukin-2 Produces Significant, Sustained Increases in CD4+ T Cells in HIV-Infected People (Release Date: 03/01/1995)

  156. Questions and Answers about the NIAID Interleukin-2 Study (Release Date: 03/01/1995)

  157. Interim Results Lead to Discontinuation of AZT-Only Study Arm (Release Date: 02/13/1995)

  158. Gene Therapy for HIV Infection (Release Date: 02/01/1995)

  159. Oral Ganciclovir Approved (Release Date: 12/22/1994)

  160. Treatment IND for AIDS-related Wasting Authorized (Release Date: 12/21/1994)

  161. Ganciclovir Implant Proves Effective in Treating Cytomegalovirus Retinitis (Release Date: 12/14/1994)

  162. FDA Approves Silicone Oil for Retinal Reattachment (Release Date: 11/07/1994)

  163. NIAID Trial of Triple Drug Combination for HIV Infection Closes (Release Date: 11/01/1994)

  164. HIV Burden Unchecked by Antiretroviral Therapy In Early Stage Disease (Release Date: 08/08/1994)

  165. AZT Approved for Preventing Maternal-Fetal HIV Transmission (Release Date: 08/08/1994)

  166. FDA Approval of Stavudine (d4T) (Release Date: 06/27/1994)

  167. ACTG 229: Antiviral Trial of Combination Therapy (Release Date: 05/31/1994)

  168. Interferon Gamma Boosts Ability to Fight Drug-Resistant Mycobacterial Infections (Release Date: 05/11/1994)

  169. Effectiveness in Disease and Injury Prevention: Zidovudine for the Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mother to Infant (Release Date: 04/29/1994)

  170. Important Therapeutic Information on the Benefit of Zidovudine for the Prevention of the Transmission of HIV from Mother to Infant (Release Date: 02/22/1994)

  171. AZT Reduces Rate of Maternal Transmission of HIV (Release Date: 02/21/1994)

  172. FDA Licenses IGIV For Two New Indications (Release Date: 01/03/1994)

  173. Trimetrexate Approved For Treatment of PCP (Release Date: 12/20/1993)

  174. Fluconazole Delays Fungal Infections In AIDS Patients (Release Date: 12/15/1993)

  175. AIDSTRIALS and AIDSDRUGS (Release Date: 10/01/1993)

  176. Two Studies Examine Drugs to Prevent HIV-Associated Opportunistic Infections (Release Date: 07/26/1993)

  177. Immunity Without T Cells: NIAID Researchers Illuminate Role of Interleukin-12 (Release Date: 06/30/1993)

  178. Trial of TAT Antagonist as Therapy for HIV Infection Altered (Release Date: 06/10/1993)

  179. The Effectiveness of AZT Alone, ddC Alone or AZT/ddC Combination Is Similar Overall For Patients with Advanced HIV Disease (Release Date: 06/10/1993)

  180. Relative Benefit of ddI and AZT Depends on Duration of Patients' Previous AZT Use (Release Date: 06/10/1993)

  181. AIDS Treatment Strategies Must Address Multi-Dimensional Nature of HIV Disease (Release Date: 06/07/1993)

  182. Atovaquone Effective, Well-Tolerated Treatment for AIDS-Related Pneumonia (Release Date: 05/26/1993)

  183. NIAID Opens Combination Therapy Trial for HIV Infection (Release Date: 05/25/1993)

  184. Approval of supplemental application for streptomycin sulfate. (Release Date: 05/17/1993)

  185. Partial Results of AZT Study Reported in Lancet (Release Date: 04/02/1993)

  186. NIAID Launches HIV Therapy Trial of Protease Inhibitor (Release Date: 03/26/1993)

  187. NIAID Begins Study of New Drug for HIV Infection (Release Date: 03/22/1993)

  188. Second Recombinant Antihemophilic Factor Licensed (Release Date: 03/01/1993)

  189. Results of Trial of ddI in Patients Intolerant of AZT Announced (Release Date: 02/26/1993)

  190. Important Therapeutic Information on Treatment of HIV Infection in HIV-Infected Patients Who Are Intolerant of or Have Failed Zidovudine Therapy (Release Date: 02/01/1993)

  191. Clinical Alert: Important Therapeutic Information on Treatment of HIV Infection in HIV-Infected Patients Who Are Intolerant of or Have Failed Zidovudine Therapy (Release Date: 02/01/1993)

  192. Relative Benefit of ddI and AZT Depends on Duration of Patients' Previous AZT Use (Release Date: 12/30/1992)

  193. TMP/SMX Better than Aerosolized Pentamidine for Preventing Recurrent PCP (Release Date: 12/23/1992)

  194. FDA Approves New Indication For Dronabinol (Release Date: 12/23/1992)

  195. Rifabutin Approval (Release Date: 12/23/1992)

  196. Multi-Site Trial Begins of the Anti-AIDS Drug, Tat Antagonist (Release Date: 11/30/1992)

  197. Atovaquone Receives Approval for Treatment of PCP (Release Date: 11/27/1992)

  198. First AIDS Drug Tested Under Parallel Track Policy; other d4T related press releases (Release Date: 10/05/1992)

  199. ddI Receives Additional Approval (Release Date: 10/01/1992)

  200. Switch To ddI From AZT Appears to Slow Progression of HIV Disease (Release Date: 08/26/1992)

  201. Approval of Zalcitabine (Release Date: 06/22/1992)

  202. Advisory Committee Recommends Approval of ddC as Combination AIDS Therapy (Release Date: 04/21/1992)

  203. Early Use of AZT Reduces Risk of Death (Release Date: 04/15/1992)

  204. Summary of Preliminary Analysis of Study Comparing ddI and ZDV (Release Date: 04/13/1992)

  205. New initiatives to Speed Access to New Drugs (Release Date: 04/09/1992)

  206. Atovaquone (566C80) Receives Treatment IND Status for AIDS Related Use (Release Date: 11/12/1991)

  207. Important Therapeutic Information on Prevention of Recurrent Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia in Persons with AIDS (Release Date: 10/11/1991)

  208. Foscarnet Approved (Release Date: 09/27/1991)

  209. Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Approved to Protect Cancer Chemotherapy Patients (Release Date: 02/21/1991)

  210. Epoetin Alfa For AIDS Related Condition (Release Date: 01/02/1991)

  211. Granulocyte Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (Release Date: 09/24/1990)

  212. AZT for Children (Release Date: 05/03/1990)

  213. Expanded Labeling for AZT (Release Date: 03/02/1990)

  214. Second Aerosolized Pentamidine Approval (Release Date: 06/15/1989)

  215. Alpha Interferon Approval for Kaposi's Sarcoma (Release Date: 11/21/1988)

  216. Approval of AZT (Release Date: 03/20/1987)