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NIH Record  
Vol. LVIII, No. 13
June 30, 2006
NIH High School Protégés Honored
NIH Communicators Score Well in National Awards
Basic Research at NIAMS
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'NIH at the Crossroads'
Zerhouni Addresses Advisory Councils, Scientific Societies
  NIH director Dr. Elias Zerhouni addresses the NIA advisory council on May 24. He has been visiting council meetings and scientific societies.
Providing a strong message backed by a storehouse of data, NIH director Dr. Elias Zerhouni is touring all of the institute and center advisory councils this spring, as well as speaking before a number of scientific societies such as FASEB. He is on a mission to educate an influential percentage of the agency's more than 31,000 outside counselors about NIH's current budget situation: Yes, the budget doubled between 1998 and 2003, but that created a flood of applications that subsequent relatively flat budgets could not hope to reward. As the success rate for competing for an NIH grant dips from a traditional one-third of all applicants to about 1 in 5, there is discontent and there are misperceptions that need addressing.

Evidence Is 'Lab' Tested
K-9 Partners Are Here to Help
His olfactory lobe is bigger than ours, and his turbinates — those curvy bones inside the nose — are longer. Under the skin at the nape of his neck, he wears a microchip the size of a grain of rice. This is one NIH employee who's never called in sick. If called to a court of law, he can serve as state's witness without speaking word one.

Meet Flyer, drug dog with the NIH Police.