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NIH Record  
Vol. LVIII, No. 12
June 16, 2006
From Cagewasher to Project Manager
Niederhuber Named Acting NCI Director
Magazine Honors Four Directors
Friedman Named to NHLBI Post
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Pioneer Awards Allow 'Off-Road' Exploration
NIH Roadmap in Gear for 3rd Year
In the many conversations NIH director Dr. Elias Zerhouni held with some of the top minds about the future of medical research, he heard several themes constantly. One in particular, however, seemed to echo from almost every corner: To really transform the field, the most creative scientists must feel free to.color outside the lines.

Nearly 3 years later, the people charged to implement the agency's strategy for the 21st century are making sure NIH's future directions are not limited to the tried and true. The NIH Roadmap is crafted not only to uphold the conventional, but also as an "off-road vehicle," a way to escape the well-traveled paths of the traditional model of research and explore "high-risk" science. It follows then that one of the Roadmap's most successful ventures so far — the NIH Director's Pioneer Award program — was "born to be wild."

Ramos Offers a Stitch in Time
Dr. Rose Ramos of NIEHS heard there was a shortage of prom dresses in the post-Katrina Gulf Coast region. The thought that there might be one young lady who was unable to attend her prom because she couldn't find a dress inspired Ramos to offer her expertise.