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The Effects of Electronic Media on the Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Development of Children and Adolescents

May 15-16, 2006

Sponsor/Co-Sponsor(s): Child Development and Behavior (CDB) Branch and the Demographic and Behavioral Sciences (DBS) Branch, NICHD; and the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Office of the Director, NIH.

Location: Neuroscience Center, Rockville, Maryland
Purpose: American children are immersed in an electronic environment yet there is not a clear understanding of how this level of media exposure impacts children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. The purpose of this state-of-the-knowledge conference is to assemble a trans-disciplinary group of experts to discuss media exposure and its effects on children in the home, school, and community.

More Information:

Contact: Dr. Lynne Haverkos, CDB Branch, NICHD
Tel: (301) 435-6881