Pervasive Import of Affect: Gleanings From Affective Neuroscience


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Air date: Wednesday, February 02, 2005, 3:00:00 PM
Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
Description: This talk will highlight one of the most salient characteristics of emotion and feature what is known about the underlying brain mechanisms. Individuals differ in how they respond to emotionally significant challenges. These individual differences—or affective styles—are the focus of the speaker’s research. Neural circuitry underlying these individual differences with a focus on prefrontal cortex and amygdala, will be featured. New research using functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine individual differences in emotion regulation in both normal individuals and patients with mood disorders and autism will be reviewed. Finally, plasticity in this circuitry will be considered and prospects for transforming affective style in more positive directions will be discussed.

Author: Richard Davidson, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Medical School
Runtime: 60 minutes
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