Center for Cancer Research
Team Members


To find primers, probes and related information for a given gene:

1. Select an organism:
2. Select an assay:
3. Enter a search term:*
4. Submit the query:
5. Reset the form:

*Valid search terms are:
  • gene name or alias, e.g. "GAPDH"
  • gene description keyword(s), e.g. "growth factor"
  • IMAGE clone ID, e.g. "IMAGE:5040349"
  • "all" to find all primer sets for a given organism and assay type

    Search terms may also include wildcard characters, e.g. "IL*"

Disclaimer: We have made a good faith effort to search PubMed sources for primer set information to create a public primer set database. All data has been reviewed for accuracy before inclusion into the database. Any changes to the published sources, based on BLAST comparisons, are annotated throughout the database.


Comments and questions about the real-time PCR primer database, contact Dr. N. Bhat.
Comments and questions about the primer viewer, contact Dr. R. Clifford.