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Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers

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Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How should we differentiate leads on each project versus the overall lead for the center?
The PI for the entire center is listed on the face page of the 398 (page 1). This person may be referred to as the "Center Director" in the document. The leader for an individual project (or core) may be referred to as a Project Leader or Principal Investigator. (11/21/03)

Do I need to give titles to each project, or just the overall TTURC?
Please include individual, meaningful titles for each project rather than listing them as consecutive numbers (i.e., Project 1, 2, 3, etc.) or letters (i.e., Core A, B, C etc.) (11/21/03)

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact program staff with any unanswered questions. This page will be updated as new questions arise.

  Where should I include the plan for data sharing?
A data sharing plan is only needed for the TTURC as a whole, rather than for individual projects. Please include this plan after the Developmental/Pilot Research program section. (11/21/03)
  Where should the Data and Safety Monitoring Plan (DSMP) go?
The DSMP information should be included with each project under the Human Subjects section. (11/21/03)
  What is needed in the letter of intent?
The information the letter of intent contains allows NCI staff to make advance planning for the review. The letter of intent should include a descriptive title of the proposed research; the name, address, and telephone number of the principal investigator; names of the key personnel participating in the proposed research; name(s) of the participating institution(s); titles of the individual research projects and cores; and their specific aims. Please note that a letter of intent is not required, is not binding, and does not enter into the review of a subsequent application. (11/7/03)

Since appendices are not allowed, could I include letters of support?
Letters of support are permitted, integrated into the application. They will not be counted against the page limits. (11/7/03)

  Why is the timeline so compressed?
Because of budget constraints, RFA approvals were put on hold (at NCI). Postponing the application due date would push NIH funding into the next fiscal year. We felt less certain about funding in a new fiscal year. (10/27/03)
  Why is the Webcast pre-application meeting not scheduled until November 18, 2003?
We were trying to accommodate scientific conferences (e.g., Society for Neuroscience) that are scheduled for the second week of November. Although we considered holding it at the end of October, we wanted to give applicants enough time to formulate questions that would be pertinent to their applications. The current schedule allows six weeks for application preparation prior to the pre-application meeting, followed by just over two months to finish and submit applications. (10/27/03)
  How do I know if my application is responsive to this RFA?
The main theme should be tobacco related, and the primary endpoints should be tobacco related. Disease endpoints in and of themselves or as primary endpoints are not responsive. We strongly encourage you to contact program staff to discuss responsiveness. (updated 10/27/03)
  Is this initiative open to new applicants?
Yes. This initiative is an open competition and both new applicants and current grantees may apply. (10/03/03)
  My application will request over $500,000. Do I need to submit an ARA?
An ARA is not required. (10/03/03)
  Does a responsive application have to include a career development component?
Yes, although this could come in many forms, including undergraduate or graduate student training, post-doctoral training, or bringing in investigators new to the field of nicotine/tobacco research. A combination of career development opportunities is encouraged. (10/03/03)
  Will specific cores or pilot projects be evaluated separately, or does the application get reviewed as a whole?
Each core/program will be reviewed both individually and as a whole, and individual parts can be recommended/not recommended for funding. Only a single priority score reflecting the entire application will be given. (10/03/03)
  Do new and competing applications get prepared and reviewed according to the same criteria?
Although page limits are the same, there are special guidelines for preparation of new versus competing applications (please see "Supplemental Instructions for Preparation of the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers Grant Application"). The review process will take scientific progress of the competing (but not new) applications into consideration. This will not hurt new applications. Review will primarily focus on the proposed research projects, shared resources (cores), career development, developmental research program (pilot projects), overall program organization and capability, and Institutional commitment. Sharing research data and budget will also be taken into consideration. (10/03/03)
  Even though no appendices are allowed, could I include related information in the form of a disk or on a CD-rom?
No appendices will be allowed, including any form of supplemental or related information. (10/03/03)


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