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Center for Information TechnologyAntivirus
Antivirus Home Page
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Current client downloads:
 VScan Engine/Dat (SuperDat) -5300/2777.5494
 VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i (with Patch 6) - Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
 VirusScan Enterprise 7.1 - Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
 Virex (OS X) Engine/Def - 7.2(v1.1)/081029
 Virex (OS 9.x) Engine/Def - 6.2/071001
 Linux & Solaris Engine/Dat - 5.2.00/4.0.5196
 Symantec Antivirus -
 Symantec Antivirus - 10.2
 Clean Boot 1.0
 Stinger v3.8.0 virus removal tool (Updated 09/10/07)
Current server downloads:
 VirusScan Enterprise 8.5
 VirusScan Enterprise 7.1
 NetShield NetWare - 4.6.2
 NetShield NetWare - 4.6.3
 NetShield NetWare Engine Update - 4.4.00
 ePO agent for NetWare
 ScanMail eManager - 3.0

 ePO 3.0/VirusScan 7.0 Presentation
 Virex 7.x Installation Instructions
 VirusScan FAQs
 VirusScan Instructions
 Additional Resources

 List of Viruses

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Dispute Resolution

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Unsolicited Email

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Contact NIH Help Desk for assistance:
866-319-4357 (toll free), 301-496-4357 (6-HELP) (local), 301-496-8294 (TDD)
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National Institutes of HealthCenter for Information Technology
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892

Questions or Comments | Disclaimers | Privacy Policy

Department of Health and Human ServicesHealth and Human Services
Washington, D.C. 20201
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