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Mutual Aid System Task Force (MASTF)

MASTF was created in the fall of 2005 by then IAFC President Bill Killen. Each of the IAFC’s 16 sections and divisions provided a representative to the task force. Many also created special work groups to address the multiple issues that were considered within the Strategic Plan. The task force concluded their work in less than a year and was disbanded September 13, 2006.


PDF Strategic Plan: A National Mutual Aid System for the Fire Service 9/19/06

PDF MASTF Proposal to IAFC 5/15/06

PDF Mutual Aid System Task Force: Concept and Development

PDF Roster of task force members

Meeting Minutes

PDF September 13, 2006 meeting, Dallas, TX

PDF June 26-27, 2006 meeting, Mobile, AL

PDF Jan. 5-6, 2006 meeting, Fairfax, VA

PDF Oct. 24, 2005 teleconference


  • September 13, 2006 - MASTF transitions to the Emergency Management Committee at FRI 2006 in Dallas, TX
  • May 19, 2006 - MASTF Presentation to IAFC Board of Directors
  • October 17, 2005 – IAFC Board of Directors authorized the creation of a task force to develop a National Fire Service Mutual Aid System

Strategic Issues from MASTF

  • Validate the use of a national point of contact for interstate deployments, as well as who will monitor and support the system.
  • Establish policies and procedures to enable rapid (within 12 hour or less) deployments
  • Identify the aspects that make you eligible to participate.
  • Determine the best methods to educate the participants on the system, provide training on the components, and guidelines for exercising the system on various levels.
  • Determine the linkages with other services that will connect the systems together.
  • Determine who will be responsible for funding the development, monitoring, and support of the system.

Articles on MASTF

Answer the Call: Interstate & Intrastate Mutual Aid Systems
FireRescue Magazine - April 2006


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