
Only NCI-Frederick personnel may check out books and other circulating materials.  All new books are displayed on the new book shelf for 2 weeks before they circulate; audiovisual materials are displayed for 1 week. Circulation times for library materials:

Books 4  weeks
Books with holds  2  weeks
Audiovisuals 7  days

Journals, reference books and microforms do not circulate

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How do I renew items that I have checked out from the Scientific Library?

You may renew items ONCE by phone, in person, or online via your Circulation Account, unless another patron has placed a hold on the item.  Thereafter, items must be returned to the shelves for at least 7 days before being checked out again. All materials are subject to recall by the Library at any time.

1) By Phone - call 301-846-5848 to request assistance from a staff member.

2) In Person - when you visit the Library, drop by the Circulation Desk where a staff member will renew your items for you and give you the new due date.

3) Online - Link to the "My Account Login" page, or locate the My Account / Renew Items option in the "Quick Links" list on the Library's homepage. A link to your account is also available under "Quick Links" in the Online Catalog, located in the column on the left side.

Once you reach your account login page - you will be asked to type your full name, and your patron barcode (no spaces), which is located on the back of your NCI-Frederick ID.

  • Click on "...Items currently checked out" to view the materials you have checked out.
  • You can either renew selected items by placing a check in the box next to items on the list and clicking on "Renew Selected Items" OR click on "Renew All" to renew everything you have checked out.
  • If you are successful, a new due date will be displayed in the "STATUS" column. Otherwise, a message of "RENEW NOT ALLOWED" will appear on the screen.
  • Always check the STATUS column for information on the success or failure of your renewal.

Microform reader/printer and copying machines are available for patron use in the Library. 

Circulation records are confidential.  If you need information from a book that is checked out, please contact the Document Delivery Technician at 301-846-5850 or via email at

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