National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Division of Intramural Research
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Nervous System Gene: CG7186

CG Number: CG7186
Full Name: CG7186
Symbol: SAK
Molecular Function: protein serine/threonine kinase
Phenotype: Nervous system
FlyBase Record  

Brightfield Images
  Fly embryo thumnail images showing nervous system phenotype mutations are provided below. Click a thumnail to view an enlarged image. To obtain a copy of the image in TIFF format, click the hyper link "download image" located below the image of your interest.  

Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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(File size: 847 KB)
Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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(File size: 1092 KB)
Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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(File size: 1089 KB)
Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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(File size: 1090 KB)
Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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(File size: 1087 KB)
Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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(File size: 847 KB)
Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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(File size: 847 KB)
Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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(File size: 847 KB)
Confocal Images
  Fly embryo thumnail images showing nervous system phenotype mutations are provided below. Click a thumnail to view an enlarged image. To obtain a copy of the image in TIFF format, click the hyper link "download image" located below the image of your interest.  

Fly embryo nervous system phenotype mutant image

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(File size: 1068 KB)
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
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Fly Embryo RNAi Project (Version 2.10)