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Fly Embryo RNAi Project
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  Avoid Triggering Antiviral Mechanisms by Long dsRNAs in mammalian cells Back to the top  
We can avoid antiviral mechanisms by using short (21-23nt) dsRNAs with 2-nucleotide 3' overhangs. This can be used to mediate gene-specific suppression in mammalian cells.
  Confocal Microscopy Back to the top  

The advantage of confocal microscopes over conventional wide-field microscopes is the ability to reject out-of-focus background light. This enables the ability to optically section thick cells or tissues, penetrate deep light-scattering tissues, and to generate three-dimensional views at high resolution. A confocal microscope optically sections by restricting the field of view of the objective lens and the excitation illumination to a single spot. This is most often accomplished by scanning the illumination source (usually a laser beam) over the specimen and collecting the emitted fluorescence through an exit pinhole placed before the photodetector. In this manner, light originating from out of focus regions of the specimen is excluded from detection. The optical section is then a function of the size of the pinhole in the intermediate image plane and the numerical aperture (N.A.) of the lens. Typically, with a high NA lens, in plane resolution can be around 0.2 microns while axial resolution is a little less than 1 micron. While this technique can provide crisp clear optical sectioning capability, there are sacrifices made over conventional wide–field fluorescence microscopy.

Two main disadvantages of conventional CLSM are a slow speed of acquisition and potential photodamage. Photodamage can arise from the high illumination intensities produced from focused laser light. Use of acoutic optical tunable filters (AOTF’s) is one method available on many commercial confocal systems for rapid attenuation of laser power over a broad range of intensities. Photodamage is also a danger during 3D-imaging. During 3D-image generation, although emmision light is captured from one image plane at a time as the plane of focus is moved through the specimen, excitation light is not restricted. Therefore, the cone of excitation light is exciting, and potentially photobleaching, all planes of focus regardless of which plane is being imaged at a time. Restricting the excitation light to the plane of focus using multi-photon microscopy can reduce this problem. The second drawback to conventional CLSM is the by-product of raster scanning. Raster scanning allows for the sectioning capabilities of CLSM but is much slower than wide field camera microscopy. Typically a 512 x 512 pixel 8 bit image will take 1-2 s to acquire compared to conventional WF microscopy were images can be acquired at video rates or higher.

Detailed information (including many references) about CLSM can be found at,, and

  Discovering of RNAi Phenomena Back to the top  
The first evidence that dsRNA could lead to gene silencing came from work in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. In 1995, researchers Guo and Kemphues were attempting to use antisense RNA to shut down expression of the par-1 gene in order to assess its function. As expected, injection of the antisense RNA disrupted expression of par-1, however, injection of the sense-strand control did too. This result was a puzzle until three years later, when Fire and Mello first injected dsRNA — a mixture of both sense and antisense strands — into C. elegans. This injection resulted in much more efficient silencing than injection of either the sense or the antisense strands alone. Indeed, injection of just a few molecules of dsRNA per cell was sufficient to completely silence the homologous gene's expression. Furthermore, injection of dsRNA into the gut of the worm caused gene silencing not only throughout the worm, but also in its first generation offspring.
  Monoclonal Antibody 22C10 Back to the top  
Monoclonal antibody 22C10 recognizes specific epitopes present in the cytoplasm and the inner surface of cell membranes of all PNS (peripheral nervous system) neurons and a subset of CNS (central nervous system) neurons. Subsequently, DAB (diaminobenzidine) staining is used for visualization under a brightfield microscope, and fluorescent secondary antibody staining is used for confocal and Two-Photon microscope observations.
  RNA Interference Back to the top  
RNA interference is a mechanism to silence gene by double-stranded RNA, resulting in homology-dependent degradation of endogenous RNA. It is a simple and powerful way to mimic mutant phenotype, which has been successfully performed in many organisms.
  RNAi in Mammalian Cells Back to the top  
In mammalian cells, long dsRNAs induce the sequence-specific silencing of genes in mouse embryonal carcinoma cells and embryonic stem cells. However, introducing long dsRNAs into mammalian somatic cells activates antiviral defense systems, resulting in nonspecific degradation of RNA transcripts and general loss of host cell protein synthesis. These two mechanisms effectively shut down mammalian cells and thus override the ability of long dsRNAs to have specific RNAi effects.
  Synonym Back to the top  
The synonym (of a gene) is a name given by a researcher that is no longer generally recognized by the community. There are two kinds of synonyms. The first one is the name that was given to more than one gene. Synonyms belong to the second type are those that were given to genes which had a valid name already.
  The Mechanism of RNAi Back to the top  
RNAi involves at least two important steps: the initiation step and the effector step. In the initiation step in Drosophila, a type III RNase, "Dicer", processes long dsRNAs into double-stranded, small interfering RNAs (siRNA), which are 21-23 nucleotides (nt) long. Effector step starts once siRNAs are produced. They trigger the formation of RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISC), the protein-RNA effector nuclease complxes. A helicase in the complex unwinds the siRNA, resulting in single-stranded RNA (ssRNA), which is used as a guide for substrate selection. Once the ssRNA is base-paired with the target mRNA, the mRNA is destroyed by the RISC.
  The yw Strain Containing D-mef2-lacZ Transgene Back to the top  
D-mef2-lacZ transgene is a beta-galactosidase (ß-gal) marker gene that is expressed in the cardiac cells and a subset of ventral muscle founder cells. Because the ß-gal marker gene is expressed in cardiac cells throughout heart development, simple X-gal staining followed by monitoring of the ß-gal expression pattern and heart morphology in injected embryos enables successful identification of potential cardiogenic genes.
  Two-Photon Microscopy Back to the top  

Two-photon (2P) excitation microscopy is an alternative optical sectioning technique to confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The main advantage of two-photon microscopy is that excitation occurs predominantly in the focal plane of the objective. In CLSM excitation light is wasted above and below the focal plane in a cone even though emission information is restricted to light coming from the focal plane by the pinhole placed before the detector. Thus, in two-photon microscopy there is less photobleaching and photodamage in out of focus planes of the specimen. The second main advantage of 2P excitation is that long wavelength light penetrates much deeper into tissues. This provides for 2-3 times deeper penetration than confocal microscopy and allows for information to be gathered in much thicker cells or tissues.

Two-photon excitation occurs when two photons are simultaneously absorbed by a fluorophore. Two photons of twice the wavelength that would normally excite a fluorophore absorbed in a single quantitized event provide the same energy as single photon absorption at one-half the wavelength. For example, two red photons (~ 700 nm) absorbed at the same time would excite a fluorophore that would normally be excited by ultraviolet light (~ 350 nM). To initiate enough 2P absorption events to excite fluorophores effectively requires very high photon densities, typically much higher than are usually used for epi-fluorescent imaging {Denk, Piston, et al. 1995 ID: 765}{Denk & Svoboda ID: 766}. In 2P excitation microscopy high photon densities are achieved at the focal plane of the specimen both by temporal and spatial means. Temporal crowding is achieved using mode-locked (pulsed) lasers. Typically the lasers are pulsed on the femto- or pico-second timescale at high powers (milliwatt levels) and although the peak powers are high, the average powers are low due to the duration of the pulses. Spatial crowding is achieved by the optics of the microscope. The focusing of the laser beam through the optics results in crowding of the photons at the plane of focus. It is precisely this crowding that allows for the optical sectioning capabilities of multi-photon excitation. Above and below the focal plane the photon density is not high enough to elicit significant two-photon absorption events. In addition, no pinhole is necessary in the emission pathway due to the excitation occurring only in the focal plane. Therefore all the emission light is collected and is not limited by a pinhole in the intermediate image plane.

Detailed information (including many references) about two-photon microscopy can be found at
multiphoton/ ml

  UniGene Back to the top  
UniGene is an experimental system for automatically partitioning GenBank sequences into a non-redundant set of gene-oriented clusters. Each UniGene cluster contains sequences that represent a unique gene, as well as related information such as the tissue types in which the gene has been expressed and map location. In addition to sequences of well-characterized genes, hundreds of thousands novel expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences have been included. Consequently, the collection may be of use to the community as a resource for gene discovery. UniGene has also been used by experimentalists to select reagents for gene mapping projects and large-scale expression analysis. However, it should be noted that the procedures for automated sequence clustering are still under development and the results may change from time to time as improvements are made. Feedback from users has been especially useful in identifying problems and we encourage you to report any problems you encounter. It should also be noted that no attempt has been made to produce contigs or consensus sequences. There are several reasons why the sequences of a set may not actually form a single contig. For example, all of the splicing variants for a gene are put into the same set. Moreover, EST-containing sets often contain 5' and 3' reads from the same cDNA clone, but these sequences do not always overlap. Currently, sequences from human, rat, mouse and cow have been processed. These species were chosen because they have the greatest amounts of EST data available. Zebrafish has also been added to UniGene as an service to the large zebrafish community. Additional organisms may be added in the future.

Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
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Fly Embryo RNAi Project (Version 2.10)