[Division of Clinical Sciences]
LOP Branch




Laser Capture


Laboratory of Pathology

Center for Cancer Research

National Cancer Institute

Website Redesign Plan




We are pleased to announce that the web site for the Laboratory of Pathology/CCR/NCI is in the process of being redesigned to update and improve content, usability, and accessibility. This is a coordinated team effort carried out by employees and contractors at NCI. A general plan is outlined below. We look forward to making improvements to the site and welcome your feedback and comments. We hope create a dynamic and interactive website that will add value and improve service to all users. Please provide feedback and comments to:
Kevin Nellis, Clinical Laboratory Manager (301-594-9532)
Nancy Goodman, Research Laboratory Manager (301-402-8211).

P L A N:

  1. A team has been organized within LP redesign the LP website. Team facilitators are Nancy Goodman and Kevin Nellis. Team members include: Dr. Mones Abu-Asab, Earle Barnes, Keith Brosky, Dr. Bradley Clark, Dr. Mary Strake, Curt Vonancken and Angela Wright.
  2. The goals of the team are to:
    1. Comply with Section 508: Federal Accessibility Standards for Web –based Intranet Information and Applications
      1. Follow the recommendations of NCI Office of Communications
      2. Team members will take technical classes to learn technical skills to do this.
      3. Consult with web manager, Office of Communications, and legal council as appropriate
      4. Request funding for assistance from consultants if and when additional expertise is needed.
      5. Follow guidelines by NCI web site and/or the Web Accessibility Initiative web site (see item 4, below)
      6. Prior to launch, test new web site on multiple platforms and browsers using the accessibility workstation provided by NCI Communications Technologies Branch. Check site frequently during development to catch problems early.
      7. Validate site using tools, checklist, and guidelines
    2. Revise Content
      1. Update content of all sections based on targeted users
      2. Note: Facilitators will coordinate content revision with Clinical Chiefs and Principal Investigators of each area of responsibility.

        1. Intramural health care providers
        2. Collaborators
        3. Peers
        4. Potential employees
        5. Extramural health care providers
        6. Patients
      3. Add content
        1. Mission, Vision, Values
        2. Tissue Resource Committee requests with interactive TRC request forms.
        3. Job announcements
        4. Publications or link to CCR publication site
        5. Customer satisfaction survey
        6. Provide interesting diagnostic cases
      4. Create a dynamic web application and interactive web site using the latest web technology
    3. Revise Structure
      1. Create outline of structure
      2. Include points of contacts for each section
      3. Provide test collection requirements for clinical labs.
      4. Extramural submissions
    4. Revise Presentation
      1. Will use standard uniform CCR style sheets.
        1. Provides prototype of design
        2. Allows easier revisions and maintenance of style
        3. Must be 508 compliant
        4. Test usability and compliance of style sheet and home page before proceeding with development.
        5. Maintain consistency throughout the site.
      2. LP presentation will be flexible within the boundaries outlined by CCR style. (see item #5 for draft outline proposal)
      3. Make site user friendly.
        1. Follow evidence based guidelines for design and usability provided by NCI web site www.usability.gov
        2. Comply with 508 standards
        3. Use simple language
      4. Add links for appropriate web sites
        1. Make link phrases terse yet meaningful
        2. Links should instruct user that they are leaving the NCI/LP web site when they are doing so.
    5. Develop Intranet site for LP use only
      1. Safety manual
      2. Resident manual
      3. Conference room meeting schedule
      4. Lab policies
      5. Links
  3. Measuring and maintaining success
    1. After site is launched, request user feedback for accessibility issues or any other problems.
    2. Test new changes thoroughly before they are launched.
    3. Obtain assistance from CTB to monitor web site and develop reports of web performance, usability testing and other measurements.
  4. Follow guidelines provided by NCI web site http://oc.nvi.nih.gov/web508 and/or the Web Accessibility Initiative web site www.w3.org/WAI for content, navigation, and interaction:
        1. Use "alt" attributes to describe function of each visual. All non-text elements must have text-equivalents.
        2. Use null-value ALT attributes for invisible images.
        3. Provide link that allows users of assistive technologies to skip over navigation menus.
        4. Provide HTML version of any PDFs.
        5. Whenever possible, use client-side image maps and text for hotspots. Server side image maps must include redundant text links.
        6. Multimedia presentations must have synchronized accessible alternatives. Provide captioning and transcripts of audio and descriptions of video
        7. No element of a page may blink or cause the user’s display to flicker between 2 to 55 Hz.
        8. Use hypertext links that makes sense when read out of context. Avoid "click here".
        9. Use consistent page organization (headers, lists, structure, etc). Use "CSS" for layout and style where possible. Pages must be readable without requiring an associated style sheet.
        10. Provide alternative content in case scripts, applets, and plug-ins are inaccessible or unsupported.
        11. Provide 508-compliant plug-in/application when a page requires a plug-in.
        12. Use the "noframes" element and meaningful titles. Frames must include titles that enable identification and navigation through the frames.
        13. Summarize graphs and charts or use the "longdesc" attribute.
        14. Make line-by-line reading of tables sensible and summarize information. Tables must be formatted to allow screen readers to interpret the information comprehensibly.
        15. Scripting languages (e.g., Javascript) must work with assistive technology.
        16. If no other accessible solution is feasible, provide text-only pages with equivalent content.
        17. Allow visitors option to skip repetitive navigation links.
        18. All information conveyed with color must be available with color.
        19. Use colors that provide sufficient contrast to be clearly visible to visually impaired users. Do not use red-green color combination.
        20. Online forms must allow people using assistive technologies to access and use all aspects of the form.
        21. Site must be fully functional and accessible for visitors who cannot use a mouse or other pointing device.
        22. Specify the expansion of abbreviations and acronyms and consider including a link to a site-wide dictionanary.
        23. When a timed response is required, user must be alerted to the time allotted and given the option to indicate the need for additional time.
  5. Draft outline Proposal of website:
      1. Vacancy announcements
      2. LP announcements
      3. LP News & Events
      4. Newsletter (Pathwize)
      5. Interesting case of the month.
      1. About LP
        1. Organizational Flow Chart
        2. Links to PI
        3. Links to Managers and Supervisors
        4. Publications (or link? To CCR publication site?)
        5. Facilities
        6. Science and Technology Resources
        7. Directory
      2. History
      3. Mission
      4. Vision
      5. Values
      6. FAQs
      7. Office of the Chief
        1. Overview
        2. Contact information
      8. Clinical Services
        1. Interesting Case of the Month
          1. Provide link to archive of interesting cases
          2. Provide link to past publications
        2. Accreditation
        3. TRC
          1. Introduction
          2. Policy
          3. Flow Cart
          4. Forms
          5. Links to HSRAC, IRB, OD etc
        4. Tests and specimen requirements
          1. Alphabetical list of tests by name
          2. Specimen requirements
          3. Lab in which test is performed
            1. link to lab department

            Note: Need to determine most efficient way to manage links and provide alternate list of tests organized by lab.

          4. Submission of non-NIH patient case material
        5. Interesting case archives
          1. Provide link to current interesting case of the month
          2. List of interesting cases
        6. Clinical Labs
          1. Clinical Cytogentetics
            1. Overview
            2. Tests (link to specimen requirements)
            3. Contact information
          2. Cytopathology
            1. Overview
            2. Tests (link to specimen requirements)
            3. Contact information
          3. Flow Cytometry
            1. Overview
            2. Tests (link to specimen requirements)
            3. Contact information
          4. Hematopathology
            1. Overview
            2. Tests (link to specimen requirements)
            3. Contact information
          5. Immunohistochemistry
            1. Overview
            2. Tests (link to specimen requirements)
            3. Contact information
          6. In-Situ Hybridization
            1. Overview
            2. Tests (link to specimen requirements)
            3. Contact information
          7. Molecular Diagnostics
            1. Overview
            2. Tests (link to specimen requirements)
            3. Contact information
          8. Pediatric Tumor Biology
            1. Overview
            2. Tests (link to specimen requirements)
            3. Contact information
          9. Postmortem Pathology
            1. Overview
            2. Tests (link to specimen requirements)
            3. Contact information
          10. Postmortem Pathology
            1. Overview
            2. Tests (link to specimen requirements)
            3. Contact information
          11. Surgical Pathology
            1. Overview
            2. Tests (link to specimen requirements)
            3. Contact information
          12. Ultrastructural Pathology
            1. Overview
            2. Tests (link to specimen requirements)
            3. Contact information
      1. Basic Sciences
        1. Overview of Basic Sciences
          1. Biochemical Pathology
            1. Overview
            2. Contact information
        2. Developmental Biology/Embryonic Development
          1. Overview
          2. Contact information
        3. Epstein-Barr Virus
          1. Overview
          2. Contact information
        4. Extracellular Matrix Patholgy
          1. Overview
          2. Contact information
        5. Gene Regulation
          1. Overview
          2. Contact information
        6. Lymphoid Signal Transduction Biology
          1. Overview
          2. Contact information
        7. Molecular Patholgy
          1. Overview
          2. Contact information
        8. Molecular Signaling/Invasion and Angiogenesis
          1. Overview
          2. Contact information
        9. Pathogenetics / Laser Capture Microdisection
          1. Overview
          2. Contact information
        10. Transcription Regulation
          1. Overview
          2. Contact information
        11. Tumor Invasion & Metastasis
          1. Overview
          2. Contact information
        12. Womens’ Cancer Section
          1. Overview
          2. Contact information
      2. Training
        1. Program Philosophy
        2. Curriculum
          1. Fellowship Programs
            1. Hematopathology
            2. Cytopathology
            3. Pediatric Pathology & Ultrastructural Pathology
          2. Residency Programs
            1. Surgical Pathology
          3. Other post graduate programs
          4. Undergraduate programs
          5. Student and volunteer opportunities
        3. Core rotation goals and objectives
        4. Accredidation
        5. Outing of residency schedule
        6. Program graduates
        7. Current fellows/residents
      3. LP Users
        1. New user –request for password (interactive form)
        2. Password log on
        3. Resident Manual
        4. Safety manual
        5. TRC Manual
      4. Conference Room Schedule
        1. Request for room (interactive form)
        2. Link to other conference room information
      5. Lab policies
        1. Inclement weather
        2. Link to NCI manual
    1. LINKS at BOTTOM
      1. Contact Information (link to Kevin Nellis and Nancy Goodman)
      2. Accessibility /Usability User Feedback Link
      3. Search
        1. NCI/LP web site
        2. Entire NIH web site
      4. Links to
        1. HHS Home page
        2. NIH Home page
        3. NCI Home page
        4. CCR Home page
        5. LP Home page

Last Updated: May 22, 2001 by Mones Abu-Asab

© 1999-2000 Division of Clinical Sciences at the National Cancer Institute.
Maintained by vonanckc@mail.nih.gov for the DCS.

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