HISLST-L archives -- February 2000

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HISLST-L archives – February 2000

  1. 2-way RX interface

  2. 3.2 M02 Upgrade

  3. 3.2 start date and time

  4. <No subject>

  5. access

  6. add to E-mail list

  7. Add to list

  8. ADD to LIST

  9. Add to list

  10. Adjust/Delete

  11. Alternative to NetPrint?

  12. ancillary noting

  13. APC's

  14. APPC communications

  15. Automated Patient Belongings Record

  16. Backup of MIS System

  17. Bar coding on Lexmark 4227

  18. Bedswaps

  19. Blood Bank Orders

  20. can someone give me the archive web address ?

  21. can someone give me the archive web address ?-thanks for answ ers

  22. Case information from Eclipsys

  23. Change e-mail address

  24. change/adjust orders

  25. Charted for

  26. Clinical Analyst development

  27. co-signing Medical Students notes

  28. Concealed

  29. Corrected Transcription Data

  30. Delimiters

  31. Diabetic Record

  32. Dot Matrix Printers with Patient Labels

  33. Drug Interaction usage

  34. Duplicate Medical Records

  35. Eclipsys CBT v3.0

  36. EDW Upgrade Questions

  37. FW: Rehab Charting


  39. Greg Hinson e-mail address

  40. HCM 7000 version 4.0 Implementation

  41. HCPCS modifier

  42. HISLST:Blood Bank Interface to Eclipsys

  43. hold orders

  44. I Think I Need Drugs

  45. If you agree with me - please email Customer Support

  46. Interface to Reference labs

  47. Interfaces

  48. Lab results reporting

  49. Lab Test Result Retrieval before Ordering

  50. Lab test results - print updates only?

  51. Lab test results - print updates only? -Reply



  54. Maintanence

  55. Maintenance

  56. Math calculations

  57. medicare compliance checker

  58. MEDICS to TDS Interface for medication Orders

  59. Membership

  60. Nursing Staff Scheduling systems

  61. occurrence reporting

  62. OpenHub RCI communication client

  63. OpenHub RCI communication client -Reply

  64. OR report


  66. PCRCI and moving to RCI client on OpenHub

  67. Personal order sets

  68. Personal order sets -Reply

  69. Pharmacy Interface

  70. Pharmacy printers

  71. Please add me to your list

  72. Please add to the list

  73. PPR and Lab

  74. Purging PPR Data

  75. RAS problem with year 2001

  76. Rehab Charting

  77. Renewing Meds

  78. reply to tds 7000 support

  79. Report Manager Question

  80. Request to be added to List Server

  81. Restarting a help Q18H scheduled order

  82. Result Entry Time

  83. Results with an '='

  84. RFT question

  85. Rounds Report

  86. SHARK DASD Storage

  87. Softmed transcription

  88. Starting Over

  89. Subsribe to list

  90. Sunquest Radiology System

  91. Sunrise

  92. Sunrise Clinical Documentation and AIM

  93. Suscribe to your listserv

  94. Tamtron Pathology system

  95. TDS7000-Pharmacy System Interface

  96. test

  97. Test

  98. Transcription systems and HL7 interfaces to an Interface Engine

  99. Uncharted meds report

  100. unreported sched meds

  101. unsubscribe

  102. Voyager

  103. Voyager user stats

  104. Web VMT and HIPAA

  105. web/vmt colors

  106. WebVMT

  107. weekly meds

  108. wqh

  109. [Fwd: Fw: [Fwd: Gas Out...]enjoy screwing OPEC for a change]
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