Credits for the Print Version
This publication was made possible by generous support from
the James Madison Council, a national, private-sector advisory
council dedicated to helping the Library of Congress share its
unique resources with the nation and the world.
Written by Joanne M. Zellers, African area specialist in the
African Section, under the general guidance of Beverly Gray, chief
of the African and Middle Eastern Division, with contributions
from the author's knowledgeable colleagues in the African Section:
Angel Batiste, Marieta L. Harper, and Mattye Laverne Page. Special
thanks to Joan Higbee, Hispanic Division, who suggested illustrations
from several special format collections, and to Evelyn Sinclair
of the Publishing Office for her invaluable advice and inspired
editing. These cooperative efforts have improved the content of
this guide and are gratefully acknowledged.
Credits for the World Wide Web Version
* Elizabeth F. Miller, Julie Mangin, Jeff Bridgers; Network
Development and MARC Standards Office
* Domenic Sergi, Ronnie Hawkins, Andrew Cook; Information Technology