Within two years of independence (October 1, 1960) from
the United Kingdom, Nigeria, recognizing the importance
of marketing its products on a global basis, hosted its
first international trade fair,
announced by this poster. As President Obasanjo would say
of a later fair held in Lagos in 1977 at the recently constructed
fair complex, "a trade fair is a market organized to promote
trade, where buyers and sellers gather to transact business.
. . . Nigeria wants to and ought to participate in the more
lucrative aspect of this international trade."
(Prints and Photographs
Selected Writings about the Africana Collections
Duignan, Peter. Handbook of American Resources for African
studies. [Stanford]: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution,
and Peace, Stanford University, 1967. pp. 40-51.
Gosebrink, Jean E. Meeh. African Studies Information Resources
Directory. Oxford, England: H. Zell, 1986. pp. 145-46.
"A partial revision of Peter Duignan's Handbook of American
Resources for African Studies (1967)"
Gray, Beverly A. "Africana Acquisitions at the Library of Congress."
In Africana Resources and Collections: Three Decades of Development
and Achievement: A Festschrift in Honor of Hans Panofsky,
edited by Julian W. Witherell. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow
Press, 1989. pp. 62-76.
Library of Congress. Quarterly Journal of the Library of
Congress, 27, no. 3 (July 1970): 184-283. This entire issue
on Africana in the Library's collections contains articles on
various materials concerning Africa written in celebration of
the African Section's tenth anniversary.
South, Aloha. Guide to Non-federal Archives and Manuscripts
in the United States Relating to Africa. London;
New York: H. Zell Publishers, 1989, c1988. Vol. 1, pp. 146-339.
Zellers, Joanne M. "The Library of Congress African Section."
In African Studies: Papers Presented at a Colloquium at the
British Library, 7-9 January 1985. edited by Ilse
Sternberg and Patricia M. Larby. London: The Library in association
with SCOL MA, 1986. pp. 289-98.