Selected Library of Congress Publications on Africa
Unless otherwise noted, publications listed below were published
by the Library of Congress and prepared in the African Section.
Abuja: The New Federal Capital of Nigeria: A Selected List
of References. 1983. 13 pp. (Africana Directions Series;
AD 83-1)
Africa South of the Sahara: A Selected, Annotated List of
Writings. 1963. 354 pp.
Africa South of the Sahara: Index to Periodical Literature,
1900-1970. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1971. 4 vols.

In 1980, to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the opening
of the Musée d'art et d'archéologie, Université
de Madagascar, an exhibition of material gathered at the
1979 celebration of the Sambatra
festival in Manajary was mounted. Held once every seven
years inthe southeastern region of Madagascarnear Manakara
and Manajary among theAntanbahoaka people, although today
an occasion for general social, cultural, and political
interaction, the traditional and continuing purpose of the
weeklong Sambatra is for the mothers or the paternal aunts
of male children born since the last Sambatra to bring them
forward to be circumcised and presented to the community.
Using the same image as the poster on its cover -- an adult
woman leading a small boy by the hand -- the exhibition
guide (found in the Library's General Collections) explains
day by day each ceremony and event in both Malagasy and
(Prints and Photographs
Africa South of the Sahara: Index to Periodical Literature.
First Supplement. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1973. 521 pp.
Africa South of the Sahara: Index to Periodical Literature.
Second Supplement. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1982. 3 vols.
Africa South of the Sahara: Index to Periodical Literature.
Third Supplement. 1985. 306 pp.
African Libraries, Book Production, and Archives: A List
of References. 1962. 64 pp.
African Music: A Briefly Annotated Bibliography. 1964.
55 pp. Compiled in the Library's Music Division.
African Names and Naming Practices: A Selected List of References
in English. 1977. Reprinted from the Library of Congress
Information Bulletin, 36 (March 2, 1977): 206-7.
African Newspapers in Selected American Libraries. 3rd
ed. 1965. 135 pp. Compiled in the Library's Serial Division.
African Newspapers in the Library of Congress. 2nd ed.
1984. 144 pp. Compiled in the Library's Serial and Government
Publications Division.
African Section in the Library of Congress. 1988. folder
([5] pp.)
Africana in the Library of Congress. [1977] folder ([5]
Agricultural Development Schemes in Sub-Saharan Africa: A
Bibliography. 1963. 189 pp. Compiled in the Library's General
Reference and Bibliography Division, Bibliography and Reference
Correspondence Section.
American Doctoral Dissertations on the Arab World, 1883-1968.
1970. 103 pp. Compiled in the Library's Near East Section.
American Doctoral Dissertations on the Arab World, 1883-1974.
2nd ed. 1976. 173 pp. Compiled in the Library's Near East
American Doctoral Dissertations on the Arab World: Supplement,
1975-1981. 1983. 200 pp. Compiled in the Library's Near East
Arab-African Relations, 1973-75: A Guide. 1976. 26 pp.
(Maktaba Africana Series)
Arab-World Newspapers in the Library of Congress: A List.
1980. 85 pp. (Near East Series) Compiled in the Library's Near
East Section.

As part of the celebration of the first decade (1974-84)
of the "revolutionary transformation" of Ethiopia from empire
to communist state, a number of events and related materials
were produced. This colorful poster announcing the National
Sports Festival sponsored by the Workers' Party of Ethiopia
is one of several publications in the Library's collection
produced by the Party's Propaganda and Culture Committee
for the tenth anniversary. The image of runners is appropriate
from a country whose long-distance runners enjoy worldwide
reputations, often participating successfully in marathons
such as those in Boston and New York as well as in Olympic
events. The date of 1976 appearing on the poster refers
to the Ethiopian calendar.
(Prints and Photographs
Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland: A Guide to Official
Publications, 1868-1968. 1971. 84 pp.
Contemporary Amharic Creative Literature: A Guide. 1981.
43 pp. (Maktaba Afrikana Series)
East African Community: Subject Guide to Official
Publications. 1976. 272 pp.
Folklore from Africa to the United States: An Annotated Bibliography.
1976. 161 pp. Compiled in the Library's Children's Literature
French-Speaking Central Africa: A Guide to Official
Publications in American Libraries. 1973. 314 pp.
French-Speaking West Africa: A Guide to Official Publications.
1967. 201 pp.
Ghana: A Guide to Official Publications, 1872-1968. 1969.
110 pp.
Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Partially Annotated Guide.
1978. 318 pp.
Japanese-African Relations: A Selected List of References.
1988. 24 pp. (Africana Directions
Series; AD 88-1)
Japanese-African Relations: A Selected List of References,
no. 2. 1992. 13 pp. (Africana Directions Series; AD 92-1)
Kenya: Subject Guide to Official Publications. 1978.
423 pp.
Liberia During the Tolbert Era: A Guide. 1983. 79 pp.
(Maktaba Afrikana Series).
A List of American Doctoral Dissertations on Africa.
1962. 69 pp.
Madagascar and Adjacent Islands: A Guide to Official
Publications. 1965. 58 pp.
Nelson Mandela: A Selective Reading List. Reprinted
from the Library of Congress Information Bulletin, 54
(January 9, 1995): 15-17.
Nigeria: A Guide to Official Publications. 1966. 166
Nigerian Petroleum Industry: A Guide. 1978. 66 pp. (Maktaba
Africana Series)
Official Publications of British East Africa Part 1. The
East Africa High Commission and Other Regional Documents.
1960. 67 pp. Part 2. Tanganyika. 1962. 134 pp. Part
3. Kenya and Zanzibar. 1962. 162 pp. Part 4. Uganda.
1963. 100 pp.
Official Publications of French Equatorial Africa, French
Cameroons, and Togo, 1946-1958: A Guide. 1964. 78
Official Publications of Sierra Leone and Gambia. 1963.
92 pp.
Official Publications of Somaliland, 1941-1959. 1960.
41 pp.
Portuguese Africa: A Guide to Official Publications.
1967. 217 pp.
Recent Afro-Libyan Relations: A Selected List of References.
1981. 15 pp. (Africana Directions Series; AD 81-1)
The Rhodesias and Nyasaland: A Guide to Official Publications.
1965. 285 pp.
La Section Africaine de la Bibliothèque du Congrès.
1987. folder ([5] pp.)
Serials for African Studies. 1961. 163 pp.
Spanish-Speaking Africa: A Guide to Official Publications.
1973. 66 pp.
Sub-Saharan Africa: A Guide to Serials. 1970. 409 pp.
Tanganyika African National Union: A Guide to Publications
by and about tanu. 1976. 52 pp. (Maktaba Afrikana Series)
U.S. Imprints on Sub-Saharan Africa: A Guide to Publications
Cataloged at the Library of Congress. vols. 1-8 (1985-92)
Uganda: Subject Guide to Official Publications. 1977.
271 pp.
United States and Africa: Guide to U.S. Official Documents
and Government-Sponsored Publications on Africa, 1785-1975.
1978. 949 pp.
United States and Sub-Saharan Africa: Guide to U.S. Official
Documents and Government-Sponsored Publications on Africa,
1976-1980. 1984. 721 pp. Compiled in the Library's African
and Middle Eastern Division.
United States and Canadian Publications on Africa in 1960.
1962. 98 pp.
University of Malawi Publications: A Guide. 1980. 41
pp. (Maktaba Afrikana Series)
Zanzibar's Afro-Shirazi Party, 1957-1977: A Bibliography.
1978. 20 pp. (Maktaba Afrikana Series)