[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 7, Volume 5]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 7CFR301.86-5]

[Page 124-127]
                          TITLE 7--AGRICULTURE
                      Subpart_Potato Cyst Nematode
Sec. 301.86-5  Issuance and cancellation of certificates and limited permits.

    (a) Certificates. An inspector \3\ or person operating under a 
compliance agreement may issue a certificate for

[[Page 125]]

the interstate movement of a regulated article if the inspector 
determines that the regulated article satisfies the general requirements 
for a certificate in paragraph (a)(1) of this section and any 
requirements that may apply to the regulated article under paragraphs 
(a)(2) through (a)(7) of this section.

    \3\ Inspectors are assigned to local offices of APHIS, which are 
listed in local telephone directories. Information concerning such local 
offices may also be obtained from the Animal and Plant Health Inspection 
Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine, Domestic and Emergency 
Operations, 4700 River Road Unit 134, Riverdale, Maryland 20737-1236.

    (1) Certification requirements for all regulated articles. The 
regulated article must be moved in compliance with any additional 
emergency conditions the Administrator may impose under section 414 of 
the Plant Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 7714) \4\ to prevent the spread of 
the potato cyst nematode. In addition, the regulated article must be 
eligible for unrestricted movement under all other Federal domestic 
plant quarantines and regulations applicable to the regulated article.

    \4\ Section 414 of the Plant Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 7714) provides 
that the Secretary of Agriculture may, under certain conditions, hold, 
seize, quarantine, treat, apply other remedial measures to destroy or 
otherwise dispose of any plant, plant pest, plant product, article, or 
means of conveyance that is moving, or has moved into or through the 
United States or interstate if the Secretary has reason to believe the 
article is a plant pest or is infested with a plant pest at the time of 

    (2) Certification requirements for nursery stock.--(i) Potatoes. 
Potatoes intended for use as nursery stock (i.e., seed potatoes) are 
prohibited from being moved interstate from the quarantined area.
    (ii) Nursery stock of other host crops. An inspector may issue a 
certificate for the interstate movement of nursery stock of potato cyst 
nematode host crops other than potatoes, as listed in Sec. 301.86-2(b), 
if the nursery stock was grown in a field that meets the following 
    (A) The field has been surveyed by an inspector for potato cyst 
nematode at least once in the last 3 years;
    (B) The potato cyst nematode has not been found in the field; and
    (C) No more than one potato cyst nematode host crop, as listed in 
Sec. 301.86-2(b), has been grown in the last 3 years.
    (iii) Nursery stock of non-host crops--(A) With soil. An inspector 
may issue a certificate for the interstate movement of nursery stock of 
non-host crops moved with soil if the nursery stock was grown in a field 
that meets the following requirements:
    (1) The field has been surveyed by an inspector for potato cyst 
nematode at least once in the last 3 years;
    (2) The potato cyst nematode has not been found in the field; and
    (3) No more than one potato cyst nematode host crop, as listed in 
Sec. 301.86-2(b), has been grown in the field in the last 3 years.
    (B) Without soil (bare-rooted). An inspector may issue a certificate 
for the interstate movement of nursery stock of non-host crops moved 
without soil if the inspector finds the nursery stock to be free of soil 
on its roots and on all other parts of the plant.
    (3) Certification requirements for potatoes and root crops for 
consumption. An inspector may issue a certificate for the movement of 
potatoes or root crops intended for consumption from the quarantined 
area only if the field in which the potatoes or root crops were grown 
meets the following requirements:
    (i) The field has been surveyed by an inspector for PCN at least 
once in the last 3 years and prior to the planting of the potatoes or 
root crops;
    (ii) PCN has not been found in the field; and
    (iii) No more than one PCN host crop has been grown in the field in 
the last 3 years.
    (4) Certification requirements for soil and associated products. An 
inspector may issue a certificate for the interstate movement of a 
regulated article listed in Sec. 301.86-2(e) only if the article 
originated in a field that meets the following requirements:
    (i) The field has been surveyed by an inspector for potato cyst 
nematode at least once in the last 3 years;
    (ii) The potato cyst nematode has not been found in the field; and
    (iii) No more than one potato cyst nematode host crop, as listed in 
Sec. 301.86-2(b), has been grown in the last 3 years.
    (5) Certification requirements for hay, straw, and fodder. An 
inspector may issue a certificate for the movement of hay, straw, or 
fodder from the quarantined area only if:

[[Page 126]]

    (i) The field where the hay, straw, or fodder was produced meets the 
following requirements:
    (A) The field has been surveyed by an inspector for potato cyst 
nematode at least once in the last 3 years;
    (B) The potato cyst nematode has not been found in the field; and
    (C) No more than one potato cyst nematode host crop, as listed in 
Sec. 301.86-2(b), has been grown in the field in the last 3 years; or
    (ii) The hay, straw, or fodder is produced according to procedures 
judged by an inspector to be sufficient to isolate it from soil 
throughout its production.
    (6) Certification requirements for equipment used in infested or 
associated fields. An inspector may issue a certificate for the 
interstate movement of equipment that has been used in an infested or 
associated field and that can carry soil if moved out of the field only 
after the equipment has been pressure-washed under the supervision of an 
inspector to remove all soil or steam-treated in accordance with part 
305 of this chapter.
    (b) Limited permits--(1) General conditions. An inspector \5\ may 
issue a limited permit for the interstate movement of a regulated 
article if the inspector determines that:

    \5\ See footnote 3 to Sec. 301.86-5(a).

    (i) The regulated article is to be moved interstate to a specified 
destination for specified handling, processing, or utilization (the 
destination and other conditions to be listed in the limited permit), 
and this interstate movement will not result in the spread of the potato 
cyst nematode because life stages of the potato cyst nematode will be 
destroyed by the specified handling, processing, or utilization;
    (ii) The regulated article is to be moved in compliance with any 
additional emergency conditions the Administrator may impose under 
section 414 of the Plant Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 7714) to prevent the 
spread of the potato cyst nematode; and
    (iii) The regulated article is eligible for interstate movement 
under all other Federal domestic plant quarantines and regulations 
applicable to the regulated article.
    (2) Specific conditions for potatoes for consumption. An inspector 
may issue a limited permit to allow the interstate movement of potatoes 
from the quarantined area for processing or packing only if:
    (i) The potatoes are transported in a manner that prevents the 
potatoes and soil attached to the potatoes from coming into contact with 
agricultural premises outside the quarantined area; and
    (ii) The potatoes are processed or packed at facilities that handle 
potatoes, waste, and waste water in a manner approved by APHIS to 
prevent the spread of potato cyst nematode.
    (c) Certificates and limited permits for the interstate movement of 
regulated articles may be issued by an inspector or person operating 
under a compliance agreement. A person operating under a compliance 
agreement may issue a certificate for the interstate movement of a 
regulated article after an inspector has determined that the regulated 
article is eligible for a certificate in accordance with paragraph (a) 
of this section. A person operating under a compliance agreement may 
issue a limited permit for interstate movement of a regulated article 
after an inspector has determined that the regulated article is eligible 
for a limited permit in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.
    (d) Any certificate or limited permit that has been issued may be 
withdrawn, either orally or in writing, by an inspector if he or she 
determines that the holder of the certificate or limited permit has not 
complied with all provisions in this subpart for the use of the 
certificate or limited permit or has not complied with all the 
conditions contained in the certificate or limited permit. If the 
withdrawal is oral, the withdrawal and the reasons for the withdrawal 
will be confirmed in writing as promptly as circumstances allow. Any 
person whose certificate or limited permit has been withdrawn may appeal 
the decision in writing to the Administrator within 10 days after 
receiving the written notification of the withdrawal. The appeal must 
state all of the facts and reasons upon which

[[Page 127]]

the person relies to show that the certificate or limited permit was 
wrongfully withdrawn. As promptly as circumstances allow, the 
Administrator will grant or deny the appeal, in writing, stating the 
reasons for the decision. A hearing will be held to resolve any conflict 
as to any material fact. Rules of practice concerning a hearing will be 
adopted by the Administrator.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 