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Vence Bonham

Vence Bonham, J.D.

Associate Investigator
Social and Behavioral Research Branch

Senior Advisor to the Director on Societal Implications of Genomics
Office of the Director

Branch Chief
Education and Community Involvement Branch

B.A. Michigan State, 1978
J.D. The Ohio State University College of Law, 1982
phone (301) 594-3973
fax (301) 480-3066
Building 31, Room B1B55
31 Center Dr, MSC 2070
Bethesda, MD 20892-2070
Selected Publications

Mr. Bonham is a health care policy researcher whose work examines the intersection of public policy and genetics and the numerous questions that this prompts. Among the questions of interest to Mr. Bonham are the impacts of genetic discovery on the use of the constructs of race and ethnicity, health disparities, genetic discrimination, and medical decision making and subsequent considerations for public policy development. His research is conducted within the Public Health Genomics Section led by Dr. Colleen McBride. Mr. Bonham's primary research goal is to improve our understanding and use of genomics in communities, particularly in communities of color, and determine how genetic research will affect people in such communities.

Mr. Bonham's prior research explored differences in the health care experiences of African American and white patients. In one study, he and his colleagues found that African American patients were less likely than whites to receive adequate pain medication. He also has explored differences in the impact of socioeconomic status on health among African Americans, finding better physical health among African American men with high socioeconomic status who have a behavioral predisposition to directly confront barriers to upward social mobility (John Henryism). Mr. Bonham also has conducted research on the use of community-based dialogue as a model for establishing community engagement in African American and Latino communities on the topic of genomics policy making and genetics education.

Since coming to the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in 2002, Mr. Bonham has focused on studying the connection between genomic research and health disparities. He has developed a program of research relating to health care providers' decisions about the provision of genetic services, including genetic testing. He and his colleagues have conducted a large Internet-based survey of family physicians to assess their opinions and decisions related to genetic testing and the extent to which a patient's ethnic and racial background influences these decisions. Additionally, he and his colleagues have developed an assessment tool for gauging how health professionals use race and ethnicity to make decisions about providing genetic services and in assessing risk of genetic disease. An important aspect of this research involved structured interviews and focus groups with a geographically disperse sample of physicians to gain insights into their understanding about the concepts of race and ethnicity and how these concepts relate to the genetic basis of disease.

Mr. Bonham also serves as a Senior Advisor to the [NHGRI] Director on the Societal Implications of Genomics. He co-chairs the NHGRI Working Group on Race, Ethnicity, and Genetics. This group provides NHGRI - and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a whole - with guidance on issues that arise as genomics research begins to uncover the relationships between these factors. In addition, Mr. Bonham heads the Education and Community Involvement Branch (ECIB), which leads NHGRI's public education and community involvement and outreach initiatives.

As chief of ECIB, he is responsible for leading public education initiatives and structuring how the NHGRI reaches out and engages various types of communities, such as those who are underserved in biomedical research participation. For example, ECIB staff members coordinate the annual DNA Day Ambassador Program, during which NHGRI scientists travel to high schools throughout the country to expand students' knowledge of genomic science. They also coordinate courses that bring diverse communities to the NIH campus to learn about current issues in genomics and to gain information about the genetics of rare diseases. One such program is the annual NHGRI Summer Workshop in Genomics Research Short Course, in which college faculty and students from historically minority-serving institutions have the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in genomic research directly from NHGRI faculty.

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Last Updated: January 5, 2009

Print Version

Other Social & Behavioral Research Branch Investigators

Barbara Bowles Biesecker, M.S.

Donald W. Hadley, M.S., C.G.C.

Kim Kaphingst, Sc.D.

Laura Koehly, Ph.D.

Colleen McBride, Ph.D.

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