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Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (K24)


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Funded K24 Grants

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Special NCI Eligibility Requirements

  1. Under MECHANISM OF SUPPORT, the NIH K24 Program Announcement states " ….since this PA requires that the applicant have a track record of research support, independent or otherwise, current and past research support must be documented in the application as a part of the research support section of the biosketch." The NCI interprets this to mean that all applicants must have independent research support in patient-oriented research as either NIH awards or awards equivalent to NIH peer-reviewed support. This would not include support from industry. Additionally, applicants must be identified as the PI at the time of submission/review of the application for this research support. This interpretation will be used as a basis for accepting applications for peer review and will be used by the peer reviewers in the evaluation of applications.

  2. The NIH K24 Program Announcement also states under SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS that " Candidates are expected to continue to hold independent peer-reviewed support during the period of this award. Candidates losing this support during the award period must document in their annual Progress Reports efforts to replace this support and demonstrate that they continue to meet all other requirements of the K24 award." The NCI interprets this to mean that candidates must hold independent patient-oriented research support as defined above in Item 1 for the duration of the award. However, it is the policy of the NCI that should recipients of this award lose their independent research support, they will be given up to one-year to regain it before the NCI takes any action to terminate the K24 grant.

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Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health