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Diabetes: Prevention - Slide 17

Slide 17


Images of GAME PLAN Materials Cover

Patient Materials



  • NDEP adapted the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) curriculum into a product called Your GAME PLAN to Prevent type 2 Diabetes for patients – a booklet that helps people at risk for diabetes take steps to prevent the disease. It includes information about setting goals for physical activity and healthy eating and tracking progress. The booklet is packaged with the following:

    • A Fat and Calorie Counter: This booklet can be used to look up the calories and fat grams in hundreds of food and drink items, including restaurant, ethnic, and regional foods.

    • A Food and Activity Tracker: The DPP showed that people who kept a daily log of their food intake (including calories and fat grams) and physical activity were more likely to lose weight than those who did not.

All of NDEP’s materials are copyright free and may be reprinted. Organizations may add their logos. If you are interested in printing large numbers of materials, ready to print files are available for $20. NDEP materials can be downloaded or ordered from the website, www.yourdiabetesinfo.org


Revised September 2008


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