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Diabetes: Prevention - Slide 15

Slide 15

Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS)

  • Preliminary results

    • 8% of participants with pre-diabetes had diabetic eye disease (retinopathy)

    • 12.6% of participants with type 2 diabetes who developed diabetes during the DPP had diabetic eye disease

These findings suggest that patients with pre-diabetes or newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes should be screened for retinopathy.


DPP Research Group. Diabetic Medicine 2007; 24 (2); 137-144.



  • Preliminary results of the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) found that nearly 8 percent of participants with pre-diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) had diabetic eye disease (retinopathy).

  • Diabetic eye disease was also seen in 12 percent of participants with type 2 diabetes who developed diabetes during the DPP.

  • These early findings of the DPPOS reinforce the recommendation that patients with pre-diabetes or newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes should be screened for retinopathy.



Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. The prevalence of retinopathy in impaired glucose tolerance and recent-onset diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Program. Diabetic Medicine 2007; 24(2);137-144

Revised September 2008


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