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Poor Law Commissioners' Report of 1834

Nassau Senior, Edwin Chadwick, et al
The English Poor Laws redistributed wealth to farmers in England for almost a century till the laws were repealed, in part because of the testimony presented in this Parliamentary Report illustrating how the well-intended laws had the incurred unintended consequence of making the poorest even worse off than before. Read the original report, and also George R. Boyer's illuminating analysis: "Politics and Welfare: The Political Economy of the English Poor Laws"

"Business organization and the accountant"

R. H. Coase
in L.S.E. Essays on Cost, Buchanan, James M. and George F. Thirlby, ed.
How do businesses organize themselves to use information to make decisions? Read this illuminating essay by Ronald H. Coase. Also check out the EconTalk podcast, Clay Shirky on Coase, Collaboration and Here Comes Everybody