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What should I do if I have gestational diabetes?

Many women with gestational diabetes have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies because they follow the treatment plan that their health care providers set up for them.

This booklet gives you general guidelines for how to stay healthy with gestational diabetes. Your health care provider can build a treatment program to meet your specific needs. Remember that the most important person in the treatment plan is YOU. You are the one who will be doing the work to keep yourself healthy. Make sure you feel comfortable asking questions and talking to your health care provider about any worries that you have.

One of the most important things you can do to help ensure a healthy pregnancy is to make regular health care appointments and keep them. In this way, your health care provider can catch any problems before they become major health issues.

A general treatment plan to control gestational diabetes may include these items:

Your health care provider might also tell you to: What are these things? Why are they important? How do you do them? When do you do them? How do you know if you're doing them right? To answer these questions, let's look at each one more closely. Select an item to learn more about it. When you have finished reviewing all the items, NEXT will take you to the next section.

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