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PURPOSE: For the implementation of Comprehensive Minority Institution/Cancer Center Partnerships between Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) and NCI-designated Cancer Centers (or groups of Centers) in order to develop a stronger national cancer program aimed at understanding the reasons behind the significant cancer disparities and impact on minority populations.

ELIGIBILITY: Applications will only be accepted from Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) either in the United States or in territories under U.S. jurisdiction, and from institutions that are NCI-designated Cancer Centers or from other institutions that can demonstrate organized, highly integrated research efforts focused on cancer. Both MSIs with medical schools and MSIs with more focused research and education programs (e.g., Masters, and Ph.D. programs) are invited to participate in this initiative. MSIs that offer only baccalaureate degrees, and Tribal Institutions (e.g., Colleges) are encouraged to participate in this initiative as full collaborators, especially in the development of educational programs aimed at motivating students to enter careers in cancer research.

PROGRAM: The U54 Comprehensive Minority Institution/Cancer Center Partnership must be based on extensive planning and priority setting activities and must achieve goals that are of clear mutual benefit. The partnership activities must be predominantly focused on cancer research and one or more of the following targeted program areas: cancer training and career development, cancer education or cancer outreach to minority communities. Applicants are expected to work toward the following objectives: 1). Build and stabilize independent, competitive cancer research projects and cancer research training and career development programs at MSIs; 2). Create stable, long-term collaborative relationships between MSIs and Cancer Centers in the areas of cancer research, cancer training and career development, cancer education and/or cancer outreach that increase the emphasis on problems and issues relevant to the disproportionate cancer incidence and mortality in minority populations; 3). Improve the effectiveness of the Cancer Center research, training and career development, cancer education and cancer outreach activities specifically designed to benefit minority populations in the region the Cancer Center serves; 4). Export successful approaches in addressing disproportionate cancer burden in minority populations to other MSIs, Cancer Centers, and key networks supported by the NCI (e.g., Cancer Genetics Network, Clinical Cooperative Groups, Early Detection Research Network, and the Special Populations Network).

SUPPORT: The U54 will provide support for: 1. Administrative costs (not to exceed 20% of the total direct costs per year) for managing the partnership, such as salaries for key personnel; equipment and supplies to support an administrative structure. 2. Planning and Evaluation may include the costs for travel for internal and external activities (key personnel; travel and per diem for Program Steering Committee members, workshops, seminars, retreats and other forums to strengthen, stabilize and consolidate interactions and cooperation in areas of existing high priority; to merge existing cancer programs into consolidated collaborations; to identify new areas of opportunity and high priority as the partnership evolves; and for reviewing pilots/full projects/programs, recruitments and resources. 3. Developmental costs for: a. Pilot cancer research projects or pilot programs (cancer training and career development, cancer education and/or cancer outreach (not to exceed $100,000 in direct costs per year per project/program for no more than three years). b. Up to three full projects/programs per year may be funded (not to exceed $250,000 in direct costs per year per project/program for no longer than three years) in areas prioritized for development and stabilization through subsequent competitive funding (e.g., R01, K12, P01, P50, T32, R25). One of one, one of two, or two of three Full projects/programs must be focused primarily on research. The partnership would have the flexibility to discontinue projects/programs and start new projects/programs based on the regular evaluation of progress; the funding of Full projects/programs through other competitive sources; and identification of new opportunities through formalized planning, evaluation and priority setting activities. c. Resources and infrastructure (e.g., tissue resources) that augment the cancer research capability of the MSI, the collaborative research of the MSI and the Cancer Center, and/or specifically enhance research focused on minority issues. Shared infrastructure could be placed in either the MSI or the Center or in both locations. d. Support for research assistants and research associates in various stages of their career development as independent scientists. e. Start-up packages for newly recruited investigators in areas prioritized for development and stabilization.


If the Comprehensive Minority Institution/Cancer Center Partnership (U54) is appropriate for your needs, click below to go to the request for application guidelines, which will give you more detailed information about this award and instructions for preparing and submitting an application.

Supplemental Guidelines for preparing a Non-Competing Application

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