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Mentor FAQs

What are my responsibilities as a GPP mentor?

  • Tenured or tenure-track principal investigators in the NIH Intramural program will have sufficient funding to support some or all of the following:
    • Pre-doctoral IRTA stipend;
    • Health insurance;
    • Travel to conferences and workshops and to university for required events; and
    • University tuition (varies depending on student, contact GPP for details).
  • Support students’ completion of university graduation requirements. 
  • Participate in annual graduate student events, like the Symposium.

How do I become a GPP mentor?

  • Request approval from the Scientific Director of your IC 
  • Register with the Graduate Partnerships Program – email Dr. Pat Wagner (

How do I find graduate students once I become a GPP mentor?

  • Join the GPP-PI listserv by registering with the GPP
  • Attend OITE and GPP events announced on the listserv 
  • Contact NIH Institutional Partnership Directors to share your scientific interests with students seeking rotations  
  • Give laboratory tours and meet with individual students to discuss science during the GPP Interview Days in February 
  • Host a graduate student for a rotation in your lab
  • Build collaborations with faculty at universities who may have students interested in working in your lab
  • Talk with the Training Director in your IC to find out about Institute-specific programs to attract graduate students 
  • Join an Inter-Institute Scientific Interest Group