Abstract Submission Instructions

Submission Deadline:  October 10, 2008

Abstracts must be sent by email to Mr. John Hare at jhare@scgcorp.com as a Microsoft Word document by the deadline date listed above.  Please put “NMRI MW Abstract” in the subject line.

  1. The abstract should be typed, single-spaced to fit standard abstract measurements using type no smaller than 10 point (12 cpi).  The abstract’s title should be typed in CAPITAL LETTERS and should clearly represent the nature of the investigation.  The title should be followed in lowercase letters by the authors’ first and last names, degree, and affiliation (if applicable), city, state, and country.  Underline the primary author’s name (one primary author per abstract).  Do not leave spaces between the title and the body of the abstract or between paragraphs.  Indent paragraphs three spaces.  The abstract file should be saved as:  primary author’s last name first word in the title (e.g., Zucker_Effects). 
  2. Please ensure that your abstract is the correct length.  Set the margins to the following using Microsoft Word:  Top 1"; Bottom 1"; Left 1.5"; Right 1". 
  3. Use of standard abbreviations is desirable (e.g., RBC).  Use kg, gm, mg, mL, L, and %.  Place a special or unusual abbreviation in parentheses after the full word the first time that it appears.  Use numerals to indicate numbers except to begin sentences.  Do not use subtitles (e.g., Methods, Results). 
  4. Simple tables or graphs may be included; however, they must fit within the designated abstract space. 
  5. Please use a common font such as Helvetica, Times New Roman, or Arial. 
  6. Your abstract must conform to the above guidelines, as incorrect formatting could result in disqualification. 

Body of the Abstract

Organize the body of the abstract as follows:
    1. Statement of the purpose of the study/program/project;
    2. Statement of the methods used;
    3. Summary of the results presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusion;
    4. Statement of the conclusions reached. 

Poster Presentations

Poster Presentations will be displayed on 4-foot-high by 6-foot-wide posterboards.  Push pins and velcro will be provided.  All presenters must register for the workshop.

Please note that your poster will be scored by at least two judges.  One will be from the organizing committee; the investigator must ask a colleague or two at the meeting to be the second judge.  You should provide your peers with a scoring sheet that must then be submitted to one of the members of the organizing committee for the final evaluation of your poster.