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Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)

Precursor Preferences in Surfactant Synthesis of Newborns

Requesting IRB:

Washington University Medical Center

Study Summary:

The above-referenced research protocol proposes to administer to preterm and full-term newborns simultaneous 24-hour infusions of palmitate and acetate labeled with the stable (non-radioactive) isotope carbon-13, then measure the incorporation of each into surfactant, collected by tracheal aspiration. Subjects of the study would include approximately 10 full-term intubated infants with normal lungs and 15-20 preterm (24 to 28 weeks gestational age) intubated infants with respiratory distress syndrome. The overall goal of the proposed study is to better understand the potential differences in precursor preferences in surfactant synthesis between preterm infants with immature lungs (requiring mechanical ventilation) and term infants with normal lung function. The three specific aims of the study are to: (i) determine the rate of surfactant using synthesis de novo synthesizing fatty acids (acetate); (ii) determine the rate of surfactant synthesis using preformed fatty acids (palmitate); and (iii) compare the rates of incorporation in preterm infants versus term infants with normal lungs.

Funding Source:

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health

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Last revised: April 24, 2006


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