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Volume 31(2);  February 1, 2008
The Sleeping Brain's Influence on Memory
Jeffrey M. Ellenbogen
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 163–164.
PMCID: PMC2225577
REM Sleep Deprivation and Neurogenesis
Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Deprivation Contributes to Reduction of Neurogenesis in the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus of the Adult Rat
Ruben Guzman-Marin, Natalia Suntsova, Tariq Bashir, Robert Nienhuis, Ronald Szymusiak, and Dennis McGinty
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 167–175.
PMCID: PMC2225569
Sleep Disturbance in Adolescents
Persistence and Change in Symptoms of Insomnia among Adolescents
Robert E. Roberts, Catherine Ramsay Roberts, and Wenyaw Chan
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 177–184.
PMCID: PMC2225578
Sleep-Wake Patterns and Sleep Disturbance among Hong Kong Chinese Adolescents
Ka-Fai Chung and Miao-Miao Cheung
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 185–194.
PMCID: PMC2225574
Sleep and Performance
Enhancement of Declarative Memory Performance Following a Daytime Nap Is Contingent on Strength of Initial Task Acquisition
Matthew A. Tucker and William Fishbein
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 197–203.
PMCID: PMC2225575
Fast Sleep Spindle (13–15 Hz) Activity Correlates with Sleep-Dependent Improvement in Visuomotor Performance
Masako Tamaki, Tatsuya Matsuoka, Hiroshi Nittono, and Tadao Hori
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 204–211.
PMCID: PMC2225572
Dreams and 9/11
A Systematic Change in Dreams after 9/11/01
Ernest Hartmann and Tyler Brezler
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 213–218.
PMCID: PMC2225570
Epidemiology of Restless Legs Syndrome in Korean Adults
Yong Won Cho, Won Chul Shin, Chang Ho Yun, Sung Bong Hong, Ju Han Kim, Richard P. Allen, and Christopher J. Earley
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 219–223.
PMCID: PMC2225579
Periodic Leg Movements Predict Total Sleep Time in Persons with Cognitive Impairment and Sleep Disturbance
Kathy C. Richards, Paula K. Roberson, Katherine Simpson, Corinne W. Lambert, Donald L. Bliwise, Catherine S. Cole, Carol Enderlin, Valorie M. Shue, Nadia Siddiqui, and James Silas Williams
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 224–232.
PMCID: PMC2225566
Narcolepsy and Body Temperature
Manipulation of Core Body and Skin Temperature Improves Vigilance and Maintenance of Wakefulness in Narcolepsy
Rolf Fronczek, Roy J.E.M. Raymann, Nico Romeijn, Sebastiaan Overeem, Maria Fischer, J. Gert van Dijk, Gert Jan Lammers, and Eus J.W. Van Someren
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 233–240.
PMCID: PMC2225580
Age and Respiratory Disturbance
Polysomnographic Respiratory Abnormalities in Asymptomatic Individuals
Milena K. Pavlova, Jeanne F. Duffy, and Steven A. Shea
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 241–248.
PMCID: PMC2225571
Hypoxemia and Sleep Apnea
The Relationship of Daytime Hypoxemia and Nocturnal Hypoxia in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Francesco Fanfulla, Mario Grassi, Anna Eugenia Taurino, Nadia D'Artavilla Lupo, and Rossella Trentin
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 249–255.
PMCID: PMC2225567
Effects of E-6199 in Mice
Sleep-Stabilizing Effects of E-6199, Compared to Zopiclone, Zolpidem and THIP in Mice
Chloé Alexandre, Alberto Dordal, Ramon Aixendri, Antonio Guzman, Michel Hamon, and Joëlle Adrien
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 259–270.
PMCID: PMC2225576
Sleep Disturbance in Cancer Survivors
Fatigue and Sleep Disturbance in Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS)
Daniel A. Mulrooney, Kirsten K. Ness, Joseph P. Neglia, John A. Whitton, Daniel M. Green, Lonnie K. Zeltzer, Leslie L. Robison, and Ann C. Mertens
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 271–281.
PMCID: PMC2225565
Measurement of Sleep in Older Women
Comparison of Sleep Parameters from Actigraphy and Polysomnography in Older Women: The SOF Study
Terri Blackwell, Susan Redline, Sonia Ancoli-Israel, Jennifer L. Schneider, Susan Surovec, Nathan L. Johnson, Jane A. Cauley, Katie L. Stone, and for the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 283–291.
PMCID: PMC2225568
Sleep. 2008 February 1; 31(2): 160.
PMCID: PMC2225573
Corrects: Sari Greenberg-Dotan, et al. Gender Differences in Morbidity and Health Care Utilization Among Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients. Sleep. 2007 September 1; 30(9): 1173–1780.
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