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January 13, 2009
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108th Congress

Public Laws | arrow indicating current page Pending Legislation

Hispanic Health Improvement Act of 2003

H.R. 2258 and S. 1159


The purpose of H.R. 2258 and its companion measure, S. 1159, the Hispanic Health Improvement Act of 2003, would have been to improve the health of Hispanic populations in the United States. There were several provisions of interest to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Provisions of the Legislation/Impact on NIH

Special Populations Networks/Redes En Accion of the National Cancer Institute: This legislation would have authorized $2.5 million for each of the fiscal years 2004 through 2008 for the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Special Populations Networks, including Redes En Acción. The purpose of the Special Populations Networks is to build relationships between large research institutions and community-based programs in order to address important questions about the burden of cancer in minority communities. Within the Special Populations Networks is a program called Redes En Acción that addresses cancer in the Hispanic population. It offers mentored mini-sabbaticals to Hispanic postgraduate, postdoctoral, and undergraduate/junior medical scientists to help them develop pilot research projects.

Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis would have been tasked with developing a national plan to eliminate tuberculosis the United States. The Council would have also been responsible for developing a plan to guide the involvement of the United States in global and cross-border tuberculosis control activities. The legislation would have required a representative from NIH to serve on the Council, which would have been consulted in the development of a biennial report to Congress on the activities of the National Program for Tuberculosis Elimination.

NCI Grants for Patient Navigators: NCI, the Health Resources and Services Administration, and the Indian Health Service would have been authorized to award grants for model programs that provide prevention, early detection, treatment, and appropriate followup care services for individuals from health disparity populations with cancer or chronic diseases.

Status and Outlook

H.R. 2258, the Hispanic Health Improvement Act of 2003, was introduced by Representative Ciro D. Rodriguez (D-TX) on May 22, 2003, and was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. No further action occurred on this legislation during the 108th Congress.

Its companion measure, S. 1159, was introduced by Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) on May 23, 2003, and was referred to the Senate Committee on Finance. No further action occurred on this legislation during the 108th Congress.



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