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Comparative Medicine
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 Animal Study Proposals
 Infectious Disease Pathogenesis

Comparative Medicine Branch

Animal Study Proposal Writing (ASPs)

The NIAID DIR Animal Care and Use program adheres to Animal Welfare Act (AWA) regulations, PHS policies, and the U.S. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals (PDF).

The NIAID DIR Animal Care and Use program complies with The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and with the NIH OACU ARAC guidelines, except in rare cases which are scientifically justified and approved NIAID DIR Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) policy.

The NIAID ACUC is a federally mandated committee, appointed by the NIAID Scientific Director, that ensures the care and use of animals is appropriate, humane and in accordance with animal welfare regulations. The ACUC oversees the animal program, facilities and procedures, including the key functions of reviewing and approving requests to use animals in research under Animal Study Proposals (ASP). The ASP form is a required document, mandated by federal regulations, that describes and justifies in detail the use of animals in experiments.

Personnel Training Requirements

All persons listed on the ASP must receive the appropriate training for the research being performed. The principal investigator is responsible for ensuring that everyone listed on the ASP, including him or herself, receives the appropriate training and completes a Training and Experience Form (available to NIAID employees on the intranet. For more information, e-mail the NIAID DIR ACUC Office). The principal investigator is also responsible for ensuring that each person listed on the ASP reviews and understands the content of the ASP and is familiar with the NIAID Comparative Medicine Branch and ACUC Internet and intranet sites.

The NIH IRP Office of Animal Care and Use (OACU) Training Resources outlines the minimal training requirements for principal investigators and other animal users.

Personnel Safety Requirements

The Animal Exposure Surveillance Program (AESP) is administered by the NIH Occupational Medical Services (OMS), located in Bldg. 10. OMS provides information on the AESP and coordinates enrollment. Completed AESP forms should be sent to the NIAID DIR ACUC Office. For more information, contact the NIAID DIR ACUC Office.

Facility Orientation

Investigators and scientists requiring access to NIAID DIR-operated animal facilities must be on an approved ASP. Once they are added to an ASP, they are required to schedule an animal facility orientation. This orientation is coordinated through each of the animal facility managers for each of the facilities for which the investigator requires access.

The animal facility orientation will provide an overview of animal holding, technical services, and standard operating procedures. Investigators will be given a tour and an introduction to key personnel, such as the facility manager, facility veterinarian, technical team, and animal caretaker responsible for the animals.

ASP Contacts

After the investigator or scientist has completed the facility orientation requirements, he or she must obtain access to the specific building or room by providing identifying cardkey information to the CMB facility manager. This information will be forwarded to the NIAID DIR Animal Resources Program Manager, who will submit it to the Division of Public Safety, NIH, for processing.

For additional information about animal study proposals and animal welfare concerns, contact the NIAID DIR ACUC Office.

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Contact Info

For information about animal study proposals, animal welfare concerns, contact the NIAID DIR ACUC Office

See Also

  • Division of Intramural Research (DIR)
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    Contact Info

    For information about animal study proposals, animal welfare concerns, contact the NIAID DIR ACUC Office

    See Also

  • Division of Intramural Research (DIR)