Message From Texas Recovery Operations Coordinators 

Hurricane Rita's Six-Month Anniversary - 'Doing a 180: From Disaster to Recovery' One in a Series

Release Date: March 21, 2006
Release Number: 1606-161

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AUSTIN, Texas -- Since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated much of the Gulf region last summer, some 195,000 evacuees found their way to hotels, motels and rental units across the State of Texas . This unprecedented effort by the Texas hospitality industry and housing authorities to shelter temporarily an enormous influx of citizens and strangers alike reflected a tremendously compassionate and coordinated feat, but nothing is small in Texas .

And Texans are no strangers to coping with disasters. The State of Texas and FEMA have worked together many times after disasters to assist citizens on the road to recovery, be it from hurricanes, tornadoes, floods or wildfires.

But no disaster is without heartache or hardship, and thousands of individuals continue tirelessly to restore stability to those who have suffered from the destructive forces of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

No one could have predicted or prepared for the scope of the aftermath. It will take years to recover and to rebuild. It also will take patience and perseverance. Mostly it will take understanding and caring and recognizing that the greatest resource we have to get through these trying times is one another. No force of nature can dampen the human spirit.

We thank you and extend our commitment to your recovery by inviting you to access the resources and services offered by the federal government and the State of Texas to help speed your recovery.

Our sincere thanks also to our state partners, the federal family, first responders, volunteer groups, emergency management professionals, local officials, cities, lodging providers, state agencies, media and the citizens of the great State of Texas for the dedication and compassion shown during this unprecedented effort.

Frank Cantu, Texas State Coordinating Officer
Sandy Coachman, FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer for Texas Recovery Operations

FEMA manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 16-May-2006 19:09:04