Making a Family Plan for the New Hurricane Season 

Part I of a series on Hurricane Preparedness in Florida

Release Date: May 4, 2006
Release Number: LTR-06-025

» More Information on Mississippi Hurricane Katrina
» More Information on Alabama Hurricane Katrina
» More Information on Texas Hurricane Rita
» More Information on Louisiana Hurricane Rita
» More Information on Florida Hurricane Wilma
» More Information on Alabama Hurricane Dennis
» More Information on Florida Hurricane Dennis
» More Information on Mississippi Hurricane Dennis
» More Information on Florida Hurricane Katrina
» More Information on Louisiana Hurricane Katrina

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ORLANDO, Fla. -- Imagine a hurricane has taken a sudden turn and is heading straight for your town. The forecasters and meteorologists had all said the dangerous storm would hit in another location several hundred miles away. But now, it is headed straight for you and your family. Fortunately, you have done everything you knew to do in preparation for an event of this nature. You have implemented mitigation techniques by reinforcing your home to survive hurricane-force winds. You purchased flood insurance to protect against water damage. You even put together a disaster safety kit with enough food and water for your family to survive for at least three days.

But wait! What about your daughter who is attending her first day of junior high school? What about your son, who is on a field trip with his science club? What if you cannot get in touch with them before the storm hits? How will you find everyone after the storm? The phone lines could be down for days. There could be no electricity. There are numerous obstacles still remaining that you are not prepared to deal with. You should have created a family disaster plan.

According to officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Florida 's State Emergency Response Team (SERT), a key component in disaster preparedness is the establishment of a family disaster plan.

"FEMA is working closely with state and local officials in preparation for the 2006 hurricane season in Florida . We urge residents to make sure they, personally, are prepared as well," said Director Scott R. Morris, Florida Long Term Recovery."In addition to putting together a disaster supply kit, having a good plan in place means knowing evacuation routes, having a communication plan and planning for family members with special needs."

Communication is vital before, during, and after a hurricane. With the new storm season starting soon, now is the time to make certain your family will not be separated in the aftermath of a disaster.

"Hurricanes are a natural fact of life that all Floridians need to be prepared for," said Craig Fugate, Director of Florida Division of Emergency Management."Now is the time to discuss and update your family disaster plan before June 1. It is really very simple; everyone needs to have a plan."

Steps to take in creating a"Family Plan" for the upcoming hurricane season:

SERT is a collaboration of Florida 's state agencies led by the state coordinating officer. SERT's mission is to ensure that Florida is prepared to respond to emergencies, recover from them, and mitigate their impacts. Visit for the latest information on the hurricane relief efforts.

FEMA prepares the nation for all hazards and manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, trains first responders, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration. For more information visit .

Last Modified: Thursday, 04-May-2006 16:13:42