The Art Therapy Program Makes Its Ninth Trip To Renaissance 

Release Date: August 30, 2007
Release Number: 1603-702

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NEW ORLEANS, La. -- It's their ninth visit to Renaissance Village, and they just keep coming back! As a part of the Community Initiative Foundation, the art therapists, from the American Art Therapy Association, began their journey to Renaissance Village as an immediate action to help with the suffering caused by Hurricane Katrina. The art therapy team members come from all over the United States with the majority from California.

The Community Initiative Foundation was founded to support and encourage individuals who seek to address community needs. Through this foundation, 10 to 15 art therapists were brought in to administer art therapy services to the residents at Renaissance Village.

Art therapy is a profession that uses the creative process of art to improve the physical, mental and emotional well-being of individuals of all ages.

"When we first started working with the children, they were drawing triangles instead of the typical house a child draws," said Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist/Art Therapists Karla Leopold. "After viewing numerous triangles, we realized the internal schema of these traumatized children had been changed. A house no longer represented a place of safety. It had become the roof. Two years later, after creating numerous houses in art therapy sessions, many of the children have begun to draw the typical house. This gives us an indication that some of the children have begun the process of recovery."

Many researchers have proven that art therapy is one of the most effective treatments for reduction in trauma symptoms. It is based on the belief that the creative process involved in artistic self-expression helps people to resolve conflicts and problems, develop interpersonal skills, manage behavior, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and self-awareness and achieve insight.

"The art therapists really remained faithful to the residents of Renaissance," said Sister Judith Brun, executive director of the Community Initiative Foundation. "Residents are really happy to have them here."

Art therapists are skilled in the application of a variety of art modalities (drawing, painting, sculpture and other media) for assessment and treatment. Art therapy programs are found in a number of settings including hospitals, clinics, public and community agencies, wellness centers, educational institutions, businesses and private practices. The art therapy team consists of students, volunteers and professors.

You can find the majority of the artwork created by the children of Renaissance Village at the New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA). The American Art Therapy Association will make its return to Renaissance Village next month. During that time, they will take a trip to NOMA so the kids can see their artwork.

For more information on art therapy, log onto

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Last Modified: Thursday, 30-Aug-2007 08:59:32