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Agent Name beta-Propiolactone
CAS Number 57-57-8
Formula C3-H4-O2
Major Category Other Chemicals
Synonyms 1,3-Propiolactone; 2-Oxetanone; 3-Hydroxypropionic acid lactone; 3-Propanolide; 3-Propiolactone; BPL; Betaprone; Hydracrylic acid beta-lactone; Propanoic acid, 3-hydroxy-, beta-lactone; Propanolide; Propiolactona [INN-Spanish]; Propiolactonum [INN-Latin]; Propiolattone [DCIT]; Propionic acid, 3-hydroxy-, beta-lactone; beta-Propanoic acid lactone; beta-Propiolactone; beta-Propiolakton [Czech]; beta-Propionolactone; beta-Proprolactone; [ChemIDplus] UN2810
Category Other Organic Compounds
Description Colorless liquid with a slightly sweet odor; [NIOSH]
Sources/Uses Used as a sterilant in medicine for biological pharmaceuticals and surgical instruments; also used as a disinfectant and chemical intermediate; [ACGIH]
Comments Causes permanent corneal opacification when tested in the rabbit eye and scarring when tested on mouse skin; Avoid contact because of its carcinogenic potential; [ACGIH] Causes second degree burns after a few minutes of skin exposure; [CHRIS] Corrosive to the eyes; [ICSC]
Restricted Regulated as a carcinogen: See 29CFR1910.1013 (Code of Federal Regulations pertaining to the manufacturing, processing, repackaging, releasing, handling, and storing of this chemical).
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) No
TLV (ACGIH) 0.5 ppm
Vapor Pressure 3 mm Hg
Lethal Concentration LC50 (rats) = 25 ppm/6h
Explanatory Notes Flash point = 74 deg C;
Half Life No reports found; [TDR, p. 1048]
Flammability (NFPA) 2: high ambient temperature required
Adverse Effects
Dermatotoxin Skin Burns
IARC Carcinogen Possible Carcinogen
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: BETA-PROPIOLACTONE  
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Chemical Information Search ChemIDplus
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Processes Industrial Processes with risk of exposure:

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Last updated: September, 2008