Mission Statement |
The Division of Amenities and Transportation Services (DATS), Office of Research Services (ORS), is committed to providing outstanding services and responding to the changing needs of the NIH community.
The DATS provides a large number of services to National Institute of Health (NIH) employees, guests, visitors, patients and their families. The DATS is dedicated to providing the NIH community with a variety of services which will enrich and enhance the quality of work life. These services include:
The DATS Project Officers and Quality Assurance Specialists provide guidance and assist NIH employees, patients and visitors with any issues or questions regarding these contracts.
The DATS also conducts and coordinates studies and surveys which assist in determining the effectiveness and adequacy of these services, in addition to numerous quality assurance activities to ensure all NIH worksite enrichment programs are performing to the level needed to meet the NIH employees, visitors, and patients needs.
Feedback on the level of service being provided by these contractors is always appreciated, at nihemplysrvcs@ors.od.nih.gov
Contact Information |
Thomas W. Hayden, Director
Building 31 Room 3B23
MSC 2162
Telephone: 301-402-8981
Fax: 301-480-7363
Mary Ellen Savarese, Chief
Amenities and Transportation Branch
301 North Stonestreet Avenue, Suite 115
MSC 3355
Rockville, Maryland 20892-3355
Telephone: 301-402-8180
TTY: 301-435-1908
Fax: 301-435-1999
Dave Shea, Chief
Quality Assurance Branch
301 North Stonestreet Avenue, Suite 115
MSC 3355
Rockville, Maryland 20892-3355
Telephone: 301-402-8180
TTY: 301-435-1908
Fax: 301-435-1999