Helpline Will Assist Applicants 

Release Date: October 9, 2002
Release Number: 1434-21

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San Antonio, TX -- Information is only a telephone call away for those who have already applied for federal and state disaster recovery assistance. Those who have registered can get vital information on their applications by calling 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or (TTY) 1-800-462-7585 for the speech or hearing impaired. The Helpline number is also the registration number and specialists are available to answer questions for those who have registered or to take registration information.

"If you need information about assistance programs or want to check on the status of your application for disaster assistance, you should call our Helpline," said Federal Coordinating Officer Scott Wells. "The Helpline may not be able to answer all of your questions, but can refer you to other agencies or organizations that can help you."

The Helpline is answered by competent and courteous specialists trained to help you find the information you need. It's an important resource for all applicants and can provide many services such as:

"The Helpline is there for anyone who has questions about their disaster assistance application," said State Coordinating Officer Duke Mazurek. "Those answers are only a telephone call away."

Last Modified: Thursday, 31-Jul-2003 11:01:45