State/FEMA Target Recurring Flood Losses 

Release Date: October 10, 2002
Release Number: 1435-28

» More Information on Louisiana Tropical Storm Isidore

Baton Rouge, LA -- After Tropical Storm Isisdore and Hurricane Lili pounded coastal and inland Louisiana, area residents need no reminder that their homes and livelihoods are often at risk in the fragile flood-prone area.

However, state and federal disaster officials overseeing recovery efforts in the aftermath of the storms cautioned that the urge to fix things up quickly might mean that long-term solutions could be overlooked.

"We are a state that prides itself on our ability to bounce back," said Art Jones, state coordinating officer. "But we want to come back smarter, better, and more able to withstand the damage of future disasters."

Jones explained that it is not unusual for some areas in the state to experience repetitive flooding and that some basic costs to return a damaged home to a functioning standard might be re-incurred over the course of several disasters.

"We encourage every resident to take responsibility for lowering the disaster risk of their home," Jones said. "But in any instance where emergency repairs total more than 50 percent of a structure's pre-disaster value, we require homeowners to put protective measures in place to reduce future losses."

Carlos Mitchell, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) coordinating officer said that reducing repair and rebuilding costs associated with recurring losses is an on-going concern and a major part of federal and state disaster assistance programs.

"Taxpayers as well as weary residents don't want to continually deal with the same problem," Mitchell said. He urged all residents with disaster-related uninsured losses to visit disaster recovery centers to speak with mitigation experts on ways to lessen future damages.

Mitchell said that some cost-effective homeowner measures to lessen future flood damage include: elevating or relocating an electrical panel, anchoring a fuel storage tank, repositioning appliances such as a clothes washer or dryer on a higher platform, and strapping down a water heater. Mitchell said more permanent measures, such as elevating, or re-locating the home should also be considered by residents after recurring flooding.

Mitchell outlined other forms of disaster assistance that promote disaster-reduction efforts:

Officials urge eligible residents with damage to their primary homes in federally declared parishes to register for assistance by 800-621-FEMA (3362), or 800-462-7585 (TTY) for the hearing or speech impaired. The toll-free lines are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (CST) seven days a week until further notice.

Last Modified: Monday, 28-Apr-2003 15:27:17