Unmet Needs Committee Activates Hot Line 

Release Date: May 21, 1999
Release Number: 1274-19

» More Information on Texas Severe Storms and Tornadoes

TEXARAKANA, Texas -- The DeKalb Unmet Needs Committee has established a hot line (667-3731), which will be activated Monday, May 24, and be available for those tornado victims who have urgent needs that have not been met through traditional recovery programs. The hot line will be available for calls from 9 a.m. until 12 noon, on Mondays and Tuesdays until further notice.

Organizations working with the Unmet Needs Committee include: Texas Division of Emergency Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), American Red Cross, Salvation Army, United Methodist/UMCOR, Jr. League of Texarkana, Lenox Resource Center, Bowie Baptist Association, Mental Health/Mental Retardation, DeKalb Church of Christ, and DeKalb city officials. The purpose of the Unmet Needs Committee is to help affected families to develop a plan and receive adequate assistance for the recovery.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 16-Dec-2003 16:08:29