Databases and E-Resources at the Library of Congress


Electronic Journals, Newspapers & Books

E-Books & Documents
E-Journal Search Tools
Full-Text E-Journal Collections
Full-Text Newspapers

E-Journal Search Tools

EZB: Electronic Journals LibraryON-SITE ACCESS ONLY
Provides an A - Z list of 15 thousand+ full-text electronic journals accessible at the Library of Congress. Allows for browsing and searching by journal title, subject, keywords, ISSN, and publisher. Updated weekly. Should be used in combination with Serials Solutions and TDNet. Use Article Finder to locate the online full text for a specific article available at the Library of Congress.

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Serials SolutionsON-SITE ACCESS ONLY
Provides an A - Z list of the Library of Congress full-text electronic journals, including online journals contained in subscription databases. Find periodicals by title or subject area, locate in which database the full text appears, verify the date range, and then link to that database. Should be used in combination with TDNet and EZB. Use Article Finder to locate the online full text for a specific article available at the Library of Congress.

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Provides an A - Z list of over 15,000 full-text electronic journal titles held by the Library of Congress. Find periodicals by title, locate in which database the full text appears, verify the date range, and then link to that database. Allows for browsing and searching of journal titles, subjects, keywords, publishers, ISSN's and tables of contents. Updated weekly. Should be used in combination with Serials Solutions and EZB. Use Article Finder to locate the online full text for a specific article available at the Library of Congress.

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Full-Text E-Journal Collections

Academic Search PremierON-SITE ACCESS ONLY
Provides full text for more than 3,600 scholarly publications, as well as indexing and abstracts for all 4,500 journals in the database. A multi-disciplinary resource that covers the social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies. Updated on a daily basis. EBSCO journal titles and search all EBSCO databases. Access to Pay-per-view Journal articles is fee-based. Please use LC's Finding Resources page or the LC catalog to locate online or print holdings for titles found here.

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American Periodicals SeriesON-SITE ACCESS ONLY
Digitized images of the pages of over 1,100 American magazines and journals published between 1740 and 1900. Covers special interest and general magazines, literary and professional journals, children's and women's magazines, and many other historically-significant periodicals. Titles range from Benjamin Franklin's General Magazine and America's first scientific journal, Medical Repository ; popular magazines such as Vanity Fair and Ladies' Home Journal ; regional and niche publications; and groundbreaking journals like The Dial , Puck , and McClure's .

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DIRSA (Bivir) provides access to dozens of full-text Latin American, Spanish and Portuguese origin electronic journals available at the Library of Congress. Search for journals by title, country, publisher and subject.

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Multidisciplinary ejournal gateway providing full text access to over 180 management, applied science and technology, engineering, health sciences, and library and information science journals published by MCB University Press. Flagship titles in the EMX 150 collection include: Management Decision; European Journal of Marketing; Journal of Documentation; Leadership & Organization Development Journal; and The TQM Magazine.

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Infotrac provides access to articles and news information from more than 11,000 scholarly, trade, and general-interest periodicals, including 6,300 full-text titles. The database also includes content from over 400 newspaper services covering worldwide current events. Subject coverage includes: art; business & economics; computers; environmental issues; general science & technology; health care; humanities; law; politics; social science; and current events. Journal title list. Users can also listen to any National Public Radio program, as well as read transcripts, for shows produced by NPR from 1990 to present. Podcasts from government agencies such as the Census and the State Department are also available. Every article in General Onefile can be translated into eight different languages. Use Thomson Gale PowerSearch to search across multiple Gale collections of periodical, book, and reference content.

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Haworth Press E-JournalsON-SITE ACCESS ONLY
Full text for over 20 journals published by Haworth Press. Subject areas focus on Library Science and Medicine, with titles including: the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; the Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Economics; and The Serials Librarian.

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History CooperativeON-SITE ACCESS ONLY
Full text of recent issues (1999- ) of over a dozen history journals. Title list:

  • American Historical Review
  • Common-Place
  • Environmental History
  • Health and History
  • The History Teacher
  • Indiana Magazine of History (Tables of Contents access only)
  • Journal of American History (Tables of Contents access only)
  • Journal of Social History (Tables of Contents access only)
  • Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association
  • Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
  • Journal of World History
  • Labour / Le Travail
  • Labour History (latest year full text unavailable)
  • Law and History Review
  • Massachusetts Historical Review
  • Oral History Review
  • Oregon Historical Quarterly
  • Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (Tables of Contents access only)
  • Western Historical Quarterly
  • William and Mary Quarterly
  • World History Connected
The History Cooperative site also includes the following resources:
  • The Booker T Washington Papers - provides access to thousands of pages comprising the 14-volume printed work. A joint venture of the American Historical Association, Organization of American Historians, U. of Illinois Press and National Academy Press.
  • Historian's Web Links - Provides links to resources such as "History Departments Around the World," and other related sites.
  • Historical Map Collections - contains links to electronic collections of historical maps.
  • History Cooperative's Conference Proceedings Online - Searchable database of papers presented during conferences.

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Provides citations, brief abstracts, tables of contents, and some full text to articles in over 28,000 publications. Covers the following subject areas: Agriculture/Food Sciences; Arts and Humanities; Biology/Life Sciences; Chemistry; Computer and Information Sciences; Earth/Environmental Sciences; Economics and Business; Engineering/Technology; Mathematics and Statistics; Medicine; Nursing; Philosophy/Linguistics; Physics/Astronomy; Psychology/Psychiatry; and Social Sciences. Access to published materials is fee-based, but for Library of Congress full text journal holdings only, select the "Subscribed publications only" limit when it appears. May be used in combination with Serials Solutions, TDNet, and EZB. Also, please search the LC catalog to locate print holdings for titles found in Ingenta.

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JSTOR Arts & Sciences I, II III, IV, Life Sciences, Biological Sciences, Complement and Health & General ScienceON-SITE ACCESS ONLY
JSTOR is a collection of full-text, keyword-searchable academic journals dating back to the late 17th century. Some of the Life Sciences titles date to the 1600's, while many of the Arts & Science titles begin in the late 1800's. Full text is available up to the last 3 - 5 years for most titles (Moving Wall). JSTOR allows browsing by title or by discipline(s) , and full text searching of individual titles or the entire collection. Disciplines covered include:

  • African American Studies
  • African Studies
  • American Indian Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Aquatic Sciences
  • Archaeology
  • Architecture & Architectural History
  • Art & Art History
  • Asian Studies
  • Biological Sciences
  • Business
  • Classical Studies
  • Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Feminist & Women's Studies
  • Film Studies
  • Finance
  • Folklore
  • General Science
  • Geography
  • Health
  • History
  • History of Science & Technology
  • Jewish Studies
  • Language & Literature
  • Latin American Studies
  • Law
  • Linguistics
  • Mathematics
  • Middle East Studies
  • Music
  • Performing Arts
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Population Studies
  • Religion
  • Slavic Studies
  • Sociology
  • Statistics
JSTOR search tips .

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Provides abstracts and indexing for over 2,700 periodicals, plus searchable full text for nearly 1,800 active periodicals covering nearly all subjects including general reference, business, health, and other topics. A good source for articles from general-interest or popular magazines.

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Full text of over 220 scholarly journals published by university presses in the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, mathematics, political science, gender studies, and others.

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A multidisciplinary resource including ProQuest Research Library with citations and abstracts for over 2,500 journals, magazines, and newspapers, many dating back to 1986 or earlier and covering all subject areas. Full text is available for about one half of the publications and is searchable. Collections include:

  • ABI/INFORM Global
  • American Periodical Series
  • Digital Dissertations
  • Education Journals
  • Health & Medical Complete
  • Historical Annual Reports
  • Hoover's Company Records
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Atlanta Constitution (1868-1925)
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Boston Globe (1872-1901)
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Tribune (1890-1976)
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Christian Science Monitor (1908-1991)
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times (1881-1984)
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Times (1851-2001)
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2002)
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Wall Street Journal (1889-1987)
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Washington Post (1877-1988)
  • ProQuest Medical Library
  • ProQuest Newspapers
  • ProQuest Religion
  • ProQuest Research Library
  • Science Journals
Reference Collection Titles:
  • Ethnic Cultures of America ; Washington (1997).
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook ; Washington (1998).
  • World Factbook ; Washington (1998).

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Full-Text Newspapers

Newspapers via ProQuestON-SITE ACCESS ONLY
Full text of 300+ United States and international news sources. Includes coverage of 150+ major U.S. and international newspaper collections such as: The Advocate ; Asian Wall Street Journal ; Chicago Tribune ; Greenwich Time ; Hartford Courant ; International Newsstand ; Los Angeles Times ; Morning Call (Allentown, Pennsylvania); New York Times ; Newsday ; Orlando Sentinel ; The Sun (Baltimore); Sun Sentinel (Ft. Lauderdale); Wall Street Journal (U.S.); Wall Street Journal Europe ; and the Wall Street Journal (all editions). Plus hundreds of other news sources and news wires. Proquest Historical Newspapers:

  • Atlanta Constitution (1868-1925)
  • Boston Globe (1872-1901)
  • Chicago Tribune (1890-1976)
  • Chicago Defender (1905-1975)
  • Christian Science Monitor (1908-1991)
  • Los Angeles Times (1881-1984)
  • New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993)
  • New York Times (1851-2001)
  • Wall Street Journal (1889-1987)
  • Washington Post (1877-1988)
  • Combined search of all ProQuest Historical Newspapers
For locating other newspaper holdings, see: Finding Aids and Guides to the Library of Congress Newspaper Collections .

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Russian NewspapersON-SITE ACCESS ONLY
Covers developments throughout Russia by providing the full-text files of the most influential national and regional Russian newspapers. Enables complex querying and global searching across all newspapers within the databases, as well as within individual titles and issues. The Newswires covers the full-text transcripts of top speeches, statements, press conferences, newspaper articles and television reports of the day, from presidential addresses to remarks by Duma opposition leaders, from Foreign Ministry briefings to commentaries by leading economists and other experts. Updated daily. Databases:

  • Central Russian Newspapers (over 30 titles)
  • Regional Russian Newspapers (over 80 titles)
  • Russian/NIS Newswires

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World War I Edition of Stars and Stripes
Full text of the complete seventy-one-week run of the official newspaper of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF). The newspaper carried the same type of material as the hometown newspaper typical of the time, including illustrations, sports news, letters to the editor, helpful hints, and advertisements. Contributors to the paper included Harold Wallace Ross, co-founder of The New Yorker magazine, drama critic Alexander Woollcott, sports writer Grantland Rice, and cartoonist Abian A. Wallgren. Also try The Medical Front WWI , which cover all Medical aspects - Influenza, Trench Fever, Lice, Diabetes in the pre-insulin era, Military Surgery, Typhoid Fever, Sanitation and Hygiene, Venereology, Psychiatry - of World War One.

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E-Books & Documents

Academic Info Digital Libraries
Provides links to digital collections from libraries, museums, and academic organizations and sites offering unique online content. Includes alphabetical list of subject specific digital libraries.

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American Memory
Library of Congress gateway to rich primary source materials relating to the history and culture of the United States. The site offers more than 7 million digital items from more than 100 historical collections. Also visit the Library of Congress Exhibitions home page, which includes online exhibits such as: Churchill and the Great Republic ; The Dream of Flight ; "With an Even Hand": Brown v. Board at Fifty ; From Haven to Home: 350 Years of Jewish Life in America ; and Bob Hope and American Variety .

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Avalon Project
Digital primary source documents selected by the Yale Law School relevant to the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government. Document Collections include: African-Americans / The American Constitution - A Documentary Record / American Diplomacy : Bilateral Treaties 1778 - 1999 / American Diplomacy : Multilateral Treaties 1864 - 1999 / American History : A Chronology 1492-Present / American Revolution - A Documentary Record / Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Documents / Annual Messages of the Presidents / Austrian - American Diplomacy / The Barbary Treaties 1816-1836 / Belgian-American Diplomacy / Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England : 1765-1769 / Brazilian-American Diplomacy 1829 - / British-American Diplomacy 1782 - / Chilean-American Diplomacy 1832 - / The Cold War / Colonial Charters, Grants and Related Documents / Confederate States of America : Papers / Congressional Resolutions / Diplomatic Document Collections Economic and Legal Treatises / European Diplomacy 870 to the Present : Bilateral Treaties and Agreements / Documents on Terrorism / European History : A Chronology 802-1992 / The Federalist papers / Foreign Relations of the United States / Franco-American Diplomacy / From Versailles to NATO : 1918-1949 / German-American Diplomacy /History Treatises / Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents / Indochina - Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos / The Inter-American System : Agreements, Conventions and Other Documents / International Agreements and Diplomatic Documents / International Military Tribunal for Germany /The Jefferson Papers / Journals of the Continental Congress 1774-1789 : Selected Documents / Laws of War : Hague and Geneva Conventions / League of Nations Madison's Notes on Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 / Mexican-American Diplomacy / The Middle East 1916-2002 : A Documentary Record / Native Americans : Documents 1789 - 1887 / Nazi - Soviet Relations 1939-1941 / Nuremberg War Crimes Trial / Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States / Peace Conference at the Hague 1899 : Correspondence, Instructions and Reports / Presidential Papers / Project DIANA - An Online Human Rights Archive / The Quasi War with France 1791-1800 / September 11, 2001 : Attack on America - A Collection of Documents / Slavery : Statutes and Treaties / Soviet-American Diplomacy / Spanish-American Diplomacy / State Constitutions 1776 - / Texas - From Independence to Annexation 1836-1846 / Treaties Between The United States and Native Americans / United Nations - Documents / The United States, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Area 1950 -1999 / United States Statutes / United States Statutes Concerning Native Americans / United States Statutes Concerning Slavery / Western European Security and Co-operation; 1948 - / World War II - Documents; 1940-1945

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Digitized Collections of the National Library of the Netherlands
Full-text selection of manuscripts and printed works. Includes: A Hundred Highlights from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Zwolle: Waanders, 1994), a selection of manuscripts, printed works, book bindings, and specimens from the Library's paper history collection in the Department of Special Collections; Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts, which presents almost 11,000 unique illustrations from 400 illuminated manuscripts; and Digital atlases, which includes the Atlas Van der Hagen (ca. 1690) and the Atlas Beudeker (ca. 1750).

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Internet Archive
A digital library of internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Provides links to full text titles from: Project Gutenberg; Million Book Project; University of Virginia Electronic Text Center; Liber Liber; Arpanet; Open Source Books; Internet Bookmobile; and Internet Children's Digital Library. Also includes the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, which allows people to visit archived versions of Web sites by typing in a URL, selecting a date range, and then begin surfing on an archived version of the Web.

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Internet Public Library
Contains over 20,000 titles that can be searched or browsed by author, title, or Dewey Decimal Classification. Includes online books, stories, essays, poems, articles, dramas, letters and speeches that are freely available over the Internet. A joint project of the IPL and the University of Michigan Humanities Text Intitiative.

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The LC collection of 835 electronic books covers primarily topics in science, technology and business. Users can preview an e-book online, peruse a page, read each page in depth, jump to specific chapters or pages, or use links in the Table of Content or Index to go directly to specific chapters of interest. Every word in every book is searchable.

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Search for full text collections of freely available, difficult-to-access, academically-oriented digital resources. OAIster is a multidisciplinary database for information about publicly available digital library resources provided by the research library community. Using the search engine provided, scholars are able to identify full-text resources in repositories that are freely accessible with no restrictions on the Worldwide Web. The datase serves over 3 million records housed at over 280 institutions. List of digital resources and participating insitutions.

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Online Books Page
Searchable list of more than 19,000 books that are freely readable over the Internet. The site, hosted by the University of Pennsylvania Library, also contains links to women writers, banned books, and major literary prize winners. Includes an Archives Page for general, foreign language, and specialty full text sites.

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Windows on the Past
Grouping of selected historical materials hosted by the Cornell University Library which have been digitally scanned and are available for online browsing and searching. Groupings include: the Historical Monographs; the Ezra Cornell Papers; the Math Book Collection; the NEH Agricultural Collection (part of the CHLA collection); the New York State Historical Literature; and the International Women's Periodicals.

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