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May 13, 2008

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

Jose Henriquez: I was overweight.  I was told by my doctor that if I kept it up I was going to develop high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.  Once I realiezed no one was going to take care of me except me, I started eating better and exercising.  I go to a gym every day from Monday through Friday.  I take a spinning class, I do weight lifting, and I use the machines.  I feel younger when I go to the gym, like I can do anything.  When I don’t go to the gym I can tell the difference—my stamina is gone.If you’re not as active as you might be, take a moment to consider why. Maybe you’re just in the habit of traveling by car or bus, even when you’re not going far. In your free time, perhaps it’s tempting to sit down in front of the TV or computer rather than do something more vigorous. It’s easy to get busy or tired and decide that it’s just simpler to put off that brisk walk or bike ride. But when you think about the serious problems that physical inactivity can create for your health—and the enormous rewards of getting regular activity— you may want to reconsider.

Let’s start in May, an ideal time to celebrate active living!

Use the Your Guide to Physical Activity and Your Heart Booklet

This easy-to-read guide from NHLBI uses science-based information to help adults develop a safe and effective activity program that can be sustained.

How about starting with walking?  It’s easy, convenient, and has the lowest dropout rate of any physical activity.  It’s also less stressful on the joints and you don’t need any equipment to get started—just a good pair of sneakers.  Check out the sample walking program on page 27.

If walking isn’t your favorite activity, find out what is. You are most likely to stick with an activity that you enjoy.  Plan for success by choosing the right activity that works best for you; find out how on pages 20-23.

Order item #06-5714 at http://emall.nhlbihin.net/product2.asp?sku=06-5714 for ONLY $3.50 each.

For more information on the Your Guide Series go to http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/yourguide.

Three healthy women

Take a Look at the In Brief

The In Brief: Your Guide to Physical Activity and Your Heart fact sheet offers a shortened version of the booklet.  Great for sharing with others at health fairs, information racks, and education events!  Don’t miss the section on “Creating Opportunities” on page 4 with ideas on how to take advantage of everyday opportunities to move around.

Order item #06-5847 at http://emall.nhlbihin.net/product2.asp?sku=06-5847 for
F|R|E|E single copy*, additional copies ONLY $1.25 each


Order the We Can! Energize Our Families: A Family Guide

happy familyWhile adults 18 and older need 30 minutes of physical activity on five or more days a week to be healthy, did you know children and teens need 60 minutes of activity a day for their health?

This workbook contains all of the handouts and activity sheets used during the We Can! Parent Program’s four sessions. The Family Guide also can be used at home to help parents and caregivers talk to their families about eating healthy and being physically active.

The “We Can! Make Physical Activity Fun” section, pages 50-52, includes many ideas for every member of the family to increase physical activity while having fun at the same time.

Order item #08-5839 at http://emall.nhlbihin.net/product2.asp?sku=08-5839 for ONLY $2.00 each

Shipping charges may apply.

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Division for the Application of Research Discoveries
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Building 31, Room 4A10
31 Center Drive, MSC 2480
Bethesda, MD 20892-2480