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January 22, 2008

Keep The Beat Calendar 2008

Keep the Beat Calendar 2008 Pricing

Keep the Beat: Healthy Choices for 2008!The New Year is here. Did you resolve to make heart healthy choices in 2008? Well if you were still waiting to get started on that goal, now you can order this helpful wall calendar at special 2008 pricing.

Use the calendar to learn about how portion sizes have changed in the last 20 years, or try a new recipe that’s tasty and heart healthy like Spicy Baked Fish. It’ll really warm you up on a cold winter night!

The whole family can take part in making and meeting heart health goals. For example, wear a pedometer, and see who in the family takes the most steps each day. Hang the calendar in the kitchen and refer to it daily for other fun activity ideas and delectable recipes.

Order item #08-5721 at http://emall.nhlbihin.net/product2.asp?sku=08-5721

Single copy: $7.50 each (normally $10.00)
2–99 copies: $6.00 each (normally $8.50)
100+ copies: $4.00 each (normally $7.00)

Interested in 5,000 copies or more? Call the Health Information Center at 301 592-8573 for special pricing and co-branding options.

Plan Ahead for American Heart Month

  • Order extra calendars for health events in February (and throughout the year)
  • Use the theme pages from the Calendar to make a bulletin board display
  • Have a contest with your co-workers or social group. Challenge them to come up with a collection of practical and creative ways to incorporate heart healthy eating and activity into their daily lives. Then let people choose ideas to write on their calendars and to try for themselves!
  • Post the calendar in classrooms, cafeterias, or offices
  • Join forces with a partner group to make a larger order and get a better discount.

Don’t delay. Order while supplies last!

Visit the home page to view the full calendar at http://emall.nhlbihin.net/ktbcalendar.


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Division for the Application of Research Discoveries
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Building 31, Room 4A10
31 Center Drive, MSC 2480
Bethesda, MD 20892-2480