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Barry Weidner, B.A., Fitness Instructor, Recreation and Welfare Fitness Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
Check Out a Success Story

Meet a real Fitness Trainer and Aerobics Instructor:

Barry Weidner

"There is a lot of variety in my day. I’m always moving around doing different things. I couldn’t stand the idea of sitting behind a desk all day."


Instruct or coach groups or individuals in exercise activities and the fundamentals of sports. Demonstrate techniques and methods of participation. Observe participants and inform them of corrective measures necessary to improve their skills. Those required to hold teaching degrees should be reported in the appropriate teaching category.

Minimum Education Required

Bachelor's Degree

Learn more about Fitness Trainer and Aerobics Instructor

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Program Analyst (Dennis Askwith)
Public Relations Specialist (Kelli Carrington)
Public Relations Specialist (Geoff Spencer)
Biological Technician (Joel Han)
Biological Technician (Peggy Hall)
Biologist (Angela Atwood-Moore)
Biological Technician (Keisha Hines-Harris)
Biologist (Faith Pangilinan)
Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologist (Vivian Morales)
Medical Scientist (Milton English)
Sonographer, Diagnostic Medical (Diane Johnson)
Art Therapist (Megan Robb)
Dental Hygienist (Sherri Gollins)
Medical Records and Health Information Technician (Maritza Sinclair)
Biology Teacher, Secondary (Egda M. Morales-Ramos)
Respiratory Therapist (Kevilin Prah)
Orthotist and Prosthetist (Joseph Miller)
Medical Appliance Technician (Ron Dickey)

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