Congressman Sandy Levin


Press Releases

For Immediate Release
June 22, 2006
Levin Blasts Additional Tax Cuts for 7,500 Families, While Minimum Wage Bill Pushed Onto the Cutting Room Floor

(Washington D.C.)- U.S. Rep. Sander Levin (D-Royal Oak), a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, today spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives to blast the GOP's latest attempt to pass a reckless tax cut that benefits a very few at the expense of the many. Levin spoke in opposition to the bill - H.R. 5638 - that would permanently cut the federal estate tax, calling it "fiscally irresponsible." The House of Representatives approved the Republican estate tax bill on a vote of 269 to 156. Last week, the House Republican Leadership blocked a vote on raising the minimum wage for American families, which had bipartisan support.

Referring to the fact that more than 300 million Americans would have to pay the bill for this tax cut  after it takes effect, U.S. Rep. Levin said, "This is a test of whose side are you on: the 300 million Americans who will be alive in the year 2009 or the 7,500 families who would benefit from this bill? This is not a compromise. This is a sellout of 300 million people."

The Republican estate tax bill will cost the American people $762 billion in just the first full 10 years after the tax cut takes effect. Democrats support tax relief for small businesses and farmers, while Republicans are slashing taxes for the very wealthy, adding more debt on the backs of our children and grandchildren. The United States Census Bureau projects that the U.S. population will reach 308,936,000 by 2010, who will be left to repay the national debt.

"The House Republican Leadership's decision to put a road block in front of a vote on raising the minimum wage illustrates the upside-down priorities of the Republican-controlled Congress," claimed U.S. Rep. Levin. "The priorities of the Democratic party are the priorities of the people of Michigan -fair wages, lower gas and energy prices, affordable health care, and making college more affordable. Middle-class families have felt the 'middle-class squeeze' for far too long."

Last week, Democrats successfully attached in Committee an amendment to raise the minimum wage to the FY07 Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations Bill.  The amendment is based on a Democratic bill that would gradually increase the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 over two years.  The minimum wage amendment passed in Committee with bipartisan support, but Republican leaders have stopped the Labor-Health bill from coming to the Floor this week as previously scheduled because they fear an attempt to strip the minimum wage increase from the bill would fail. In the United States, 7.3 million people would benefit from a raise in the minimum wage, including 1.8 million parents with children. Levin has signed a "discharge petition," which would force a floor vote on the Democrats' minimum wage bill if supporters secure 218 Member signatures; currently 189 signatures are on the petition now.  


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