U.S. National Institutes of Health

Other Partnerships

Collaborations with the Cancer Imaging Program (CIP) (http://imaging.cancer.gov/) and the Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP) (http://dtp.nci.nih.gov) encompass an extensive and diverse mix of activities, including the design and analysis of major DCTD studies, protocol design and review, statistical advice to extramural investigators, and service on data monitoring committees. Collaborations with CIP are handled by Dr. Lori Dodd, and collaborations with DTP are handled by Dr. Larry Rubinstein. Dr. Rubinstein reviewed the reproducibility of the results of the NCI human tumor 60 cell line screen, and this review was utilized by the external committee that reviewed the performance of the screening system. Dr. Simon led a collaboration involving CTEP and DTP investigators to discover and develop specific inhibitors of the protein product of the mutant BRAF gene.

BRB staff collaborated with Dr. Allan Hildesheim of the NCI Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) on the analysis of DNA microarry studies to elucidate the specific molecular events involved in nasopharyngeal oncogenesis as a result of Epstein-Barr virus infection.

Drs. Yingdong Zhao and Simon, BRB, have collaborated with Dr. Roland Martin and staff of the Laboratory of Neuroimmunology, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), NIH, to elucidate the basic mechanisms of T-cell immunity and the development of immunoinformatic methods for selecting molecular targets for therapeutic vaccines. This resulted in five published papers.

In collaboration with investigators from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, a randomized factorial trial was conducted to evaluate two chemoprevention agents’ ability to slow the rate of progression or increase the rate of regression of esopho-geal dysplasias. Dr. Korn, BRB, is the study statistician for this trial.