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Division of Interdisciplinary Training (DIDT)



The mission of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) is to improve health by leading the development and accelerating the application of biomedical technologies. The NIBIB supports the research communities of biomedical imaging and bioengineering, and encourages the integration of the biological and physical sciences to advance human health by improving the quality of life and reducing the burden of disease.

In an effort to attract bright, young, and talented researchers into the activities of the Institute, the NIBIB develops new training initiatives in the biomedical imaging and bioengineering fields. These programs are designed to fill critical gaps in the career continuum, increase the number of clinician scientists in biomedical research, and enhance the participation of under-represented populations. Training a new cadre of interdisciplinary researchers at the intersection of the biological and physical sciences is an important component of the Institute’s mission.

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Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA)

NRSA support provides stipends to predoctoral students while they work toward research degrees and to postdoctoral fellows while they obtain research experience in a mentor’s laboratory.

  • T32Institutional Research Training Awards support focused and broad-based predoctoral and/or postdoctoral research training programs in biomedical imaging and bioengineering. They also support research training for medical residents and interdisciplinary training integrating the biological and physical sciences (see HHMI-NIBIB Interfaces Initiative).
  • T35Short-term Institutional Research Training Awards support focused research training in biomedical imaging and bioengineering for bioengineering and medical students.
  • F31Individual Predoctoral Fellowships to Promote Diversity in Health-Releated Research provide up to 2 years of support for research training leading to the Ph.D. (or equivalent) degree for individuals from under-represented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with diabilities, and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • F32Individual Postdoctoral Fellowships provide up to 3 years of postdoctoral training support for qualified individuals who have received the Ph.D. (or equivalent) degree.

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Pathway to Independence (PI) Awards

These awards, which consist of a mentored training (K99) and an independent research (R00) phase, are designed to shorten the path between postdoctoral training and research independence and to increase the number of new NIH investigators.

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Career Development Awards

Career development awards provide salary and laboratory support for individuals who are completing their postdoctoral training and are changing research fields or need protected research time during critical periods of their careers.

For Ph.D.s and M.D./Ph.D.s:

  • K01Mentored Research Scientist Development Awards provide Ph.D. (or equivalent) researchers with up to 5 years of mentored research support as they transition to research independence.
  • K25 – Mentored Quantitative Research Career Development Awards provide up to 5 years of mentored research support to individuals with quantitative backgrounds but little experience in biology or medicine who wish to refocus their research on basic or clinical biomedical research.

For M.D.s:

  • K08 – Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Awards provide clinician scientists with up to 5 years of mentored research support as they transition to research independence.
  • K23 – Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Awards provide clinically trained professionals with up to 5 years of mentored patient-oriented research support as they transition to research independence.
  • K24 – Midcareer Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Awards provide established clinically trained professionals who are actively engaged in patient-oriented research up to 5 years of patient-oriented research support to serve as mentors for new clinical investigators.

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Summer Training Opportunities

  • The Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Summer Institutes (BBSI), jointly supported by the NIBIB and the National Science Foundation (NSF), support summer programs that provide undergraduate and early graduate students in the biological and physical sciences with interdisciplinary didactic and research experiences.
  • The Biomedical Engineering Summer Internship Program (BESIP) provides undergraduate biomedical engineering students an opportunity to participate in cutting-edge biomedical research projects at NIH laboratories.

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Conference/Meeting Support (R13)

R13 Awards help support national conferences and scientific meetings that significantly impact the state of scientific fields relevant to the NIBIB mission. Priority is given to applications that encourage the attendance and participation of students, trainees, and members of under-represented groups.

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Academic Research Enhancement (AREA or R15) Awards

AREA Awards provide up to 3 years of support for biomedical research conducted by faculty and students at academic institutions that have not been major recipients of NIH research awards. Institutional eleigibility can be verified at: www.grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/area.htm.

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NIBIB Grant Supplements

  • Research Supplements to Promote Clinical Resident Research Experiences Awards provide a 1 to 2 year research opportunity during residency or fellowship training to  clinician scientists in NIBIB-relevant mission areas.
  • Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research Awards support students, fellows, and early-career faculty from under-represented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Research Supplements for Career Re-Entry Awards enable talented fellows and early-career faculty with high research potential to re-enter an active research career after time off to attend to family responsibilities.

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Interagency Training Opportunities

  • The Interfaces Initiative for Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Training, a partnership between NIBIB and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), is training interdisciplinary scientists at the interface between the biological and physical sciences. Phase I, funded by HHMI, established new interdisciplinary training programs. Phase II, to be funded by NIBIB in 2009, will provide student support for recently established interdisciplinary programs.
  • The UMBC Meyerhoff Scholarship Program, supported by the NIBIB through the National Science Foundation (NSF) Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program, provides undergraduate research training to individuals from under-represented racial and ethnic groups interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
  • The NIBIB-NIST Postdoctoral Program, jointly supported by the NIBIB and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), provides 2 years of research support for co-mentored postdoctoral fellows undergoing research training at the NIH and NIST.

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NIH Blueprint for Neurosciences 

The Blueprint for Neuroscience Research is a framework designed to enhance cooperative activities among the NIH Institutes and Centers that support research on the nervous system. Recent Blueprint training-related initiatives have included:

  • Neuroscience Training Awards support broad-based predoctoral training in the neurosciences and interdisciplinary training in neuroscience imaging, neurobiology of diseases, and computational neurobiology. 
  • Course Development Awards  support course development on diseases that affect the nervous system. 

Additional information on NIH Blueprint initiatives can be found at http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov.

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NIH Roadmap Opportunities

The Roadmapfor Medical Research is a trans-NIH set of initiatives focused on three themes:  New Pathways to Discovery, Research Teams of the Future, and Re-engineering the Clinical Research Enterprise. Recent Roadmap training-related initiatives have included:

  • NIH Director's Pioneer Awards and NIH Director's New Innovator Awards support innovative, pioneering research with high potential impact from established and new investigators.
  • Clinical Translation Service Awards support clinical and translational science centers, providing Pre-doctoral Clinical Research and Multidisciplinary Research Career Development training programs.
  • Interdisciplinary Training Awards support broad-based integrated interdisciplinary research programs in basica and clinical research.
  • Curriculum Development Awards support the development of courses to train interdisciplinary scientists.

Additional information on NIH Roadmap initiatives can be found at http://nihroadmap.nih.gov.

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NIBIB Contacts

Please contact NIBIB program staff with questions or concerns about training awards or the application process. We welcome the opportunity to speak with potential applicants to the Institute’s training programs.

Richard A. Baird, Ph.D.
Director, DIDT

Zeynep Erim, Ph.D.
Program Director, DIDT

Sonal Sampat, B.S.
Biomedical Engineer, DIDT

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Last reviewed on: 11/26/2008

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