Bridging the
Career Gap

Minorities and Biomedical Research

Women's Health
in the U.S.

NIAID Intramural Laboratories

NIH Office of
Research On
Women's Health


NIAID - Office of Special Populations and Research Training

Bridging The Career Gap For Underrepresented Minority Scientists

In early FY 1993, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) developed a new program to bring underrepresented minority investigators to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus for a 2-day seminar titled Bridging the Career Gap for Underrepresented Minority Scientists.

Attendees must be currently funded by the NIAID through the Research Supplements initiatives or its research training programs. The program is administered by the NIAID Office of Special Populations and Research Training and is conducted with assistance from the members of the Division of Extramural Activities and NIAID Program Division. The purpose of the seminar is to allow for the exchange of science; to impart information on applying for research project grants; to acquaint attendees with the opportunities and options open to them in the field of biomedical research; and to provide an opportunity to meet with NIAID intramural and extramural staff members for the purpose of establishing mentors. It also highlights NIAID’s recognition that these young researchers are seen as future NIH/NIAID grantees. By establishing a "bridging" program, the careers of these young investigators could be nurtured, and the Institute would receive feedback on the effectiveness of these programs in attracting minority scientists to the NIAID research agenda.

In FY 1994, NIAID instituted an electronic bulletin board through which announcements of interest to the alumni of the Bridge symposia are posted. This has now been replaced with the creation of an NIAID home page on the Internet. Information includes minutes of the NIAID National Advisory Council meetings that are held tri-annually, grant and contract program announcements, and meetings of interest to scientific researchers. It is also a means of maintaining contact with them, regardless of where their career paths take them, and allows NIAID to follow their progress.

The NIAID has conducted six Bridge symposiums since its inception, the last being held in 2003. The symposium is held every two years with the next planned for Fall 2005.

For Additional Information Contact:

Diane Adger-Johnson
Minority Health and Research Training Analyst
6700-B Rockledge Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892
Phone: 301-402-8969

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Last updated July 28, 2005 (ms)