April 7th, 1998

M. A. Ruda, Ph.D., NIDCR, Conference Chair
Harold Slavkin, D.D.S., Director, NIDCR
Audrey Penn, M.D., Acting Director, NINDS

Session One - Harold Slavkin, D.D.S., Chair
"Sexual Difference and Pain: A Constructive Issue for the Millenium"
Karen Berkley, Ph.D.
Florida State University

"Multiple Ovarian Hormone Effects on Brain Structure and Function"
Bruce McEwen, Ph.D.
Rockefeller University

"Gender Differences in the Epidemiology of Chronic Pain Conditions"
Linda LeResche, Sc.D.
University of Washington

Session Two - Audrey Penn, M.D., Chair
"Novel Mechanisms of Estrogen Action in the Developing Brain: Role of Steroid/Neurotrophin Interactions"
Dominique Toran-Allerand, M.D.
College of Physicians and Surgeons
Columbia University

"Children's Pain Perception: Impact of Gender and Age"
Patricia McGrath, Ph.D.
Director, Pediatric Pain Program, Child Health Research Institute

"Gender Differences in CRPS1/RSD in Children and Adolescents"
Charles Berde, M.D., Ph.D.
Harvard Medical School / Children's Hospital

Luncheon Group - Experimental/Clinical Pain
Raymond Dionne, D.D.S., Ph.D., Chair
"Do Men and Women Experience the Same Post-Surgical Pain?"
Jocelyne Feine, D.D.S., H.D.R.
McGill University

"Hypervigilance: The Interaction of Psychobiology and Cognition"
Gary Rollman, Ph.D.
University of Western Ontario

"The Pathophysiology of Migraine in Women and Men"
Rami Burstein, Ph.D.
Harvard Medical School

Luncheon Group - Cancer Pain/Stress
Tony Yaksh, Ph.D., Chair
"Post-Mastectomy Pain: Prevalence, Characteristics and Future Research Directions"
Richard Payne, M.D.
MD Anderson Cancer Center

"Postmastectomy Pain"
Mark Wallace, M.D.
Director, UCSD Pain Management Medical Group

"Sex Differences in the Immune and Metastatic Consequences of Painful Stress"
Gayle Page, R.N., D.N.Sc.
Ohio State University

Session Three - M.A. Ruda, Ph.D., Chair
"The Role of Androgens in Behavioral Sex Differences"
Marc Breedlove, Ph.D.
University of California at Berkeley

"Sex Differences in the Effects of Estrogen on Striatal Dopamine Activity and Sensorimotor Function"
Jill Becker, Ph.D.
University of Michigan

"The Role of Sex Steroids in Gender Differences in Prostaglandin E2-Induced Peripheral Hyperalgesia"
William Isenberg, M.D., Ph.D.
University of California at San Francisco

"The 'Menopause': Causes and Repercussions of Hypoestrogenicity"
Phyllis Wise, Ph.D.
University of Kentucky

Session Four - Ronald Dubner, Ph.D., D.D.S., Chair
"Vulvodynia: Altered Central Processing Maintained by Peripheral Inputs? "
Richard Gracely, Ph.D.
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, NIH

"Gender Differences in Chronic Pain Syndromes of the Reproductive Organs"
Ursula Wesselmann, M.D.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

"Does Gender Affect Sensation of Ischemia"
C. Noel Bairey Merz, M.D.
Cedars Sinai Medical Center

"Gender Differences in Anginal Pain Perception"
David Sheps, M.D.
East Tennessee State University


April 8th, 1998

Session Five - Allan Basbaum, Ph.D., Chair
"Neural Mechanisms of Genital Stimulation-Produced Pain Blockage in Females"
Barry Komisaruk, Ph.D., Beverly Whipple, Ph.D.
Rutgers University

"Abnormal Pain Perception and Functional Brain Activity in Women with Fibromyalgia"
Laurence Bradley, Ph.D.
University of Alabama at Birmingham

"Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging During Controlled Noxious Stimulation in Men and Women"
David Borsook, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Massachusetts General Hospital Pain Center

"Sex-Specific Genetic Mediation of Pain"
Jeffrey Mogil, Ph.D.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Session Six - Tony Yaksh, Ph.D., Chair
"Gender Differences in Responses to Analgesic Medications"
Christine Miaskowski, R.N., Ph.D.
University of California at San Francisco

"Pregnancy-Induced Antinociception: Insights into Gender-Specific Endogenous Analgesic Pathways and Suggestions for Novel Pharmacotherapies for Pain"
Alan Gintzler, Ph.D.
SUNY Health Sciences Center at Brooklyn

"Analgesics and Gender: Relevance for Drug Abuse"
Jack Mendelson, M.D.
McLean Hospital / Harvard Medical School

Luncheon Session - Research Challenges and Opportunities: Sex and Gender as Variables in Experimental Design
Allan Basbaum, Ph.D., UCSF (Panel Chair)
Heather Bradshaw, FSU
Pat Bryant, Ph.D., NIDCR
Mary Leveck, Ph.D., R.N., NINR
Marietta Anthony, Ph.D., Acting Deputy Director, FDA Office of Women's Health
Session Seven - Marc Heft, D.M.D., Ph.D., Chair
"Chronic Pain and Pain Associated with Cancer: Do Men and Women Respond Differently?"
Dennis Turk, Ph.D.
University of Washington School of Medicine

"Gender, Coping, and the Arthritis Pain Experience"
Francis Keefe, Ph.D.
Ohio University

"Sex-Related Differences in the Responses to Experimentally-Induced Pain"
Roger Fillingim, Ph.D.
University of Alabama at Birmingham

"Temporomandibular Disorders: A Set of Female Biased Conditions Associated With Altered Pain Sensitivity"
William Maixner, D.D.S., Ph.D.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Concluding Remarks - M. A. Ruda, Ph.D.

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