National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health
NCRR Reporter
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Download Entire Issue (PDF): 1MB Summer 2007  •  Vol. XXXI, No. 3



Cover Story


Resource Brief

Funding Matters

Science Advances

News from NCRR


Resource Brief
Funding Matters
Science Advances

Feeding the Pipeline of Clinical and Translational Researchers

NCRR’s Clinical and Translational Science Awards help institutions provide new and enhanced training programs that give researchers the skills they need for successful careers at these crossroads of science…

Modeling Brain Growth to Detect Disorders

Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital campus in Charlestown, Mass. are developing methods to model the development of the outermost layer of the human brain, the cerebral cortex…

From Brain Imaging to Chemical Probes

Looking at a photograph or tapping fingers to a tune sends signals to certain areas of the brain, increasing blood flow to those regions…

Genetic Resources for the Rhesus Macaque

The human genome project, along with a variety of new genetic tools and technologies, sparked a flurry of research aimed at understanding how variations in the genetic code affect human health…

News from NCRR

Five Members Appointed to NCRR Advisory Council

The National Advisory Research Resources Council advises NCRR on policies and programs and performs second-level peer review of grant applications. Five distinguished researchers and health administrators were recently appointed as new council members…

Rubenstein Receives Prestigious Award

Arthur H. Rubenstein, executive vice president of the University of Pennsylvania for the Health System and dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, received the 2007 Academic Health Centers Leadership Award from the Clinical Research Forum…

NIH Funds Repository for Knockout Mouse Project

NIH has awarded $4.8 million to the University of California, Davis, and Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute to establish and maintain a repository of up to 8,500 strains of mice in which certain genes have been made inoperable…

Network Connects Investigators at Minority Institutions

NCRR will initially provide $9.5 million over three years to launch a network connecting researchers based at minority institutions and other collaborating institutions throughout the United States…